The California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Climate Change Scoping Plan, under to Assembly Bill 32 (Núñez, Chapter 488, Statutes of 2006), sets a target of 4,000 megawatts (MW) of additional CHP capacity and 6.7 million metric tons of carbon dioxide of associated annual GHG emissions reductions, by 2020.

Assembly Bill 1613 (Blakeslee, Chapter 713, Statutes of 2007), the Waste Heat and Carbon Emissions Reduction Act, creates a feed-in tariff to encourage the development of small CHP projects that is no larger than 20 MW. Under this bill, the Energy Commission developed guidelines for certification and annual compliance, and the CPUC developed feed-in tariffs for the investor-owned utilities.

CEC Guidelines for Certification Annual Compliance

CPUC Procurement Process Overview including AB 1613

California Public Utilities Commission’s Qualifying Facilities and CHP Program Settlement Agreement mandates that California’s three largest investor-owned utilities achieve 4.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide of the GHG reductions as recommended in the Climate Change Scoping Plan.

California also supports CHP development through the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), which provides financial incentives for a variety of small-scale distributed energy resources – including conventional- and renewable-fueled CHP.


California Power Generation and Power Sources


Bryan Neff
Energy Assessments Division


California Energy Commission
1516 Ninth Street, MS-20
Sacramento, CA 95814

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Waste Heat and Carbon Emissions Reduction