Commission Final Guidelines for Certification of Combined Heat and Power Systems Pursuant to the Waste Heat And Carbon Emissions Reduction Act, Public Utilities Code, Section 2840 Et Seq.: Adopted December 10, 2015. Posted: March 12, 2015. (PDF file, 43 pages, 1.6 mb).
Implementation of Assembly Bill 1613: The Waste Heat and Carbon Emissions Reduction Act Combined Heat and Power Systems - FINAL STATEMENT OF REASONS: Publication # CEC-200-2009-020-F. Posted: June 16, 2010. (Acrobat PDF file, 38 pages, 438 kilobytes).
Assembly Bill 1613 (Blakeslee, Chapter 713, Statutes of 2007) and amended by Assembly Bill 2791 (Blakeslee, Chapter 253, Statutes of 2008) directed the California Energy Commission, the Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and the Air Resources Board (ARB) to implement the Waste Heat and Carbon Emissions Reduction Act. The Act is designed to encourage the development of new combined heat and power (CHP) systems in California with a generating capacity of not more than 20 megawatts.
The Act directs the CPUC, publicly owned electric utilities, and the Energy Commission to establish policies and procedures for the purchase of electricity from eligible CHP systems. It also directs the ARB to report on the reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from the increase of new electricity generation from CHP.
The Act specifically directs the Energy Commission to adopt by January 1, 2010, guidelines establishing technical criteria for eligibility of CHP systems for programs to be developed by the CPUC and publicly owned utilities. The CPUC is also directed to establish a standard tariff for the sale of electricity to electricity corporations for delivery to the electrical grid.
- California Public Utilities Commission Procurement Process including AB 1613 Feed-in Tariff procedural history, tariff sheets, and pricing
- FERC Guidelines for Obtaining QF Certification
- Pacific Gas & Electric Feed-in Tariff Program page pursuant to AB 1613
- Southern California Edison page for AB 1613 Program for Combined Heat and Power