Event Date
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
10:00 AM
- 05:00 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
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The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a workshop to review draft results for the 2023 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) energy demand forecast load modifiers. The load modifiers include behind-the-meter distributed generation and storage, additional achievable energy efficiency, additional achievable fuel substitution, and additional achievable transportation electrification.
This workshop is part of the 2023 IEPR proceeding. Commissioner Patty Monahan is the CEC’s Lead Commissioner for the 2023 IEPR. A majority of commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken.
The CEC aims to begin promptly at the start time posted and the end time is an estimate based on the proposed agenda. The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time.
Notice and Agenda
- 2023 IEPR Forecast Overview and Transportation Forecast and Additional Achievable Transportation Electrificati 1. 2A. 2B. & 2C. Quentin Gee, Maggie Deng, Liz Pham, CEC
- 2023 IEPR Programmatic AAEE & AAFS Results 3. Ingrid Neumann, CEC
- Characterizing the Incorporation of the Zero Emission Appliance Standards to AAFS 4A. Nicholas Janusch, CEC
- Results from Incorporating the Zero-Emission Appliance Standards to AAFS 4B. Ethan Cooper, CEC
- Behind-The-Meter Storage Profile Updates 5A. 5B. & 5C. Alex Lonsdale, Mark Palmere, CEC
- Daimler Truck North America Comments on TE Load Modifier Scenario
- PG&E Comments RE IEPR Workshop on Load Modifier Scenario Results
- The City of Santa Clara dba Silicon Valley Power (SVP) Comments