About Data and Reports

All Publications
Search current and historical Energy Commission publications.

California Energy Planning Library
The CA Energy Planning Library is a central repository for commonly requested reports, data, and analytics important for energy system planning.

California Power Generation and Power Sources
California's economy depends upon affordable, reliable, and environmentally sound supplies of renewable, hydroelectric, and natural gas energy.

Data Exploration Tools
Data exploration tools provide an easy and accessible way to explore data and visualize trends, outliers, and patterns.

Energy Almanac
The Energy Almanac is a central repository for data and information on such topics as energy supply, demand, conservation, and public safety.

Energy Insights
Analysis of California’s energy data to highlight emerging trends and provide context policy discussions.

Energy Maps of California
The California Energy Commission’s GIS Unit provides geographic and geospatial information services, including maps and GIS data and programs.

Planning and Forecasting
The California Energy Commission assesses and forecasts the state’s energy systems and trends.

The Calfornia Energy Commission prepares reports, including an Integrated Energy Policy Report, on a range of issues such as fuels and energy storage.

Current and historical weekly data on refinery production and output in California.
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