Event Date
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
09:30 AM
- 03:00 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
Add to CalendarThe California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a workshop to provide an outlook for 2023 summer reliability. The workshop will include an overview of the new clean energy resources (e.g., utility-scale solar, storage) expected to come online, hydroelectric resource conditions, wildfire outlook, and an update on supply chain impacts for new resources. A quorum of commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken.
The public can participate in the workshop consistent with the attendance instructions below. The CEC aims to begin promptly at the start time posted and the end time is an estimate based on the proposed agenda. The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time.
Notice and Agenda
- 1 - Housekeeping and Introdcutions
- 2 - CPUC Summer Reliability
- 3 - Outlook A Western Interconnection-wide View
- 4 - State Water Project - SWP
- 5 - Fire Year 2023 Outlook
- 6 - Stack Analysis
- 7 - 2023 Summer Loads and Resources Assessment
- 8 - Electricity Supply Strategic Reliability Reserve Program
- 9 - Demand Side Grid Support and Distributed Electricity Backup Assets
- 10 - Solar Supply Chains
- 11 - Energy Storage Supply Chain