This map was developed to help prospective applicants and interested parties identify eligible areas for infrastructure deployment. The map displays electric fuel corridor groups and electric vehicle charging stations that meet NEVI requirements (as of March 2024). Users can click on layers in the menu to the right of the map to additionally display the following information:

  • DC fast charging stations that do not meet NEVI power-level or port count requirements but meet the 1-mile off ramp requirement (as of March 2024)
  • Disadvantaged or low-income communities designated by both California and Justice40
  • Disadvantaged or low-income communities designated by California
  • Disadvantaged communities designated by Justice40
  • Federally recognized tribal lands
  • Metropolitan planning organizations
  • Regional transportation planning agencies
  • Counties
  • Caltrans districts
  • Electric load serving entities (IOU & POU)
  • Congressional Districts

Viewers can display electric fuel corridor groups, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, Justice40 disadvantaged communities, Tribal lands, California-designated low-income or disadvantaged communities, regional transportation planning agencies, counties, Caltrans districts, and utility districts in this interactive map. The map initially displays electric fuel corridors and stations that meet NEVI requirements. Viewers can click on individual layers within the map layers menu to the right of the map to turn layers on and off. The legend to the left of the map will show layers that have been turned on. There is a search tool to the right of the map that enables viewers to type in an address and locate the address on the map. A basemap selector allows viewers to view road detail. Additional information on the map can be found under the information icon. Viewers can download the map files by clicking on the Data and Supplemental Links icon.

Map layers include:

  • An electric fuel corridor layer that shows designated corridor groups for California's NEVI funding program. Users can click on a corridor segment to view the start and end of each segment within a corridor group. When selected, a pop-up window will appear that identifies the corridor group number, corridor name, minimum number of project sites, number of new chargers required, and required sites, if applicable, for the corridor segment.
  • Round 1 electric fuel corridors layer that shows corridor groups eligible for Round 1 of California’s NEVI funding program.
  • Corridor group labels for enhanced accessibility. Note that labels are only visible at certain ranges (zoom in and out to view labels).
  • EV charging stations layers (stations that meet NEVI requirements and DC fast charging stations that do not meet NEVI requirements). One layer shows locations of EV charging stations with DC fast charging capabilities that meet all NEVI requirements. The other layer shows DC fast charging stations that do not meet NEVI power-level or port count requirements but do meet the 1-mile distance requirement and are therefore stations that can be upgraded to be NEVI-compliant. Users can click on EV charging stations and a pop-up window will appear with more information on the station (i.e., station address, total port count, minimum NEVI standard, etc.). Note that stations shown are as of March 2024. Please refer to the Department of Energy's Alternative Fuels Data Center and PlugShare for up-to-date existing and planned DC fast charger site information.
  • A layer showing California and Justice40 disadvantaged or low-income communities.
  • A layer showing Federally recognized tribal lands.
  • A layer showing California-designated disadvantaged or low-income communities.
  • A layer showing Justice40-designated disadvantaged communities.
  • A layer showing Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
  • A layer showing Regional Transportation Planning Agencies.
  • A layer showing California Counties. 
  • A layer showing Caltrans Districts.
  • A layer showing Electric Utilities (IOUs and POUs).
  • A layer showing Congressional Districts.

Alternative Fuel Corridor - The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) designates a national network of plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along national highway system corridors. To designate these Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFC), FHWA solicits nominations from state and local officials and works with other federal officials and industry stakeholders.

California-designated Disadvantaged Communities - The California Environmental Protectional Agency (CalEPA) identifies four types of geographic areas as disadvantaged: (1) census tracts receiving the highest 25 percent of overall scores in CalEnviroScreen 4.0; (2) census tracts lacking overall scores in CalEnviroScreen 4.0 due to data gaps, but receiving the highest 5 percent of CalEnviroScreen 4.0 cumulative pollution burden scores; (3) census tracts identified in the 2017 DAC designation as disadvantaged, regardless of their scores in CalEnviroScreen 4.0; (4) and areas under the control of federally recognized Tribes.

California-designated Low-income Communities - Census tracts with median household incomes at or below 80 percent of the statewide median income or with median household incomes at or below the threshold designated as low income by the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s list of state income limits adopted under Health and Safety Code Section 50093.

Chargers – Manufactured units that safely deliver electricity to charge the battery of a plug-in electric vehicle. A charger may have one or multiple connectors. Often referred to as electric vehicle supply equipment.

Charging Station - A physical address where one or more chargers are available for use. A charging station can be public, shared private, or private.

Corridor Group - A group of one or more corridor segments.

Corridor Segment - A portion of a highway corridor.

DC Fast Chargers - Chargers that use direct current (DC) electricity at 480 volts to recharge an all-battery electric vehicle to 80 percent capacity in about 30 minutes, though the time required depends on the size of the vehicle battery and the power level of the charger.

Justice40-designated Disadvantaged Communities - Consistent with the Justice40 Interim Guidance, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) developed a joint interim definition of disadvantaged communities for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program. The joint interim definition uses publicly available data sets that capture vulnerable populations, health, transportation access and burden, energy burden, fossil dependence, resilience, and environmental and climate hazards.

Minimum Number of Project Sites - The minimum number of project sites a corridor segment must have to be eligible for NEVI funding through California’s NEVI program solicitations.

Number of New Chargers Required - The minimum number of new chargers a corridor segment must have to be eligible for NEVI funding through California’s NEVI program solicitations.

Required Sites - Sites required along a corridor segment, if applicable.

Solicitation - Grant Funding Opportunity, which refers to the solicitation document and all its attachments and exhibits.

GIS Shapefile Downloads:

Available on the California Energy Commission GIS Open Data Site (NEVI Category)

Supplemental Links:

Map last updated: March 2024. Subsequent updates will precede NEVI solicitation windows. 

Data sources: Data are from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s Alternative Fuel Corridors website, the U.S. Department of Energy's Alternative Fuels Data Center Station Data for Alternative Fuel Corridors (as of March 2024), Argonne National Laboratory's Electric Vehicle Charging Justice40 Map (May 2022), and the California Air Resources Board’s Map of California Climate Investments Priority Populations 2022 CES 4.0 (May 2022).

Citing: California Energy Commission (March 2024). California’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Funding Program Map. Data last updated, March 2024. 


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