California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Assessment: Senate Bill 1000 Report: Increasing Access to Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for All
Publication Number
December 29, 2020
Publication Year
Publication Division
Transportation Energy (600)
Clean Transportation Program
Tiffany Hoang
Senate Bill (SB) 1000 (Lara, Chapter 368, Statutes of 2018) directs the California Energy Commission (CEC) to examine electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure deployment in California. CEC staff assessed infrastructure distribution by geographical area, population density, and population income level, including low-, middle-, and high-income levels. Staff evaluated public Level 2 and direct current fast charger (DCFC) distribution by air districts and counties, county and census tract population density, county plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) density, and census tract median household income. The analysis indicates that public Level 2 and DCFCs are unevenly distributed across air districts and counties but appear to follow PEV uptake. Overall, fewer chargers are deployed in census tracts with high population density which may be attributed to land use and area. Fewer public Level 2 chargers are deployed per capita in lowincome communities statewide. The results of ongoing assessments will inform CEC Clean Transportation Program (also known as Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program) investments to enable better access to EV infrastructure for all Californians.