California Wind and Solar Generation During 2017 and 2018
Publication Number
November 17, 2021
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Assessments (200)
John Hingtgen, Diana Popa, and Julio Gutierrez
The California Wind and Solar Generation During 2017 and 2018 staff paper provides a brief overview of the status of wind and solar generation in California during 2017 and 2018. The paper provides a summary of wind and solar energy generation resources within the state and the energy delivered to the electric grid. It supports the state policy that renewable energy and zero-carbon resources supply 100 percent of retail sales of electricity to California end-use customers and 100 percent of electricity procured for state agencies by December 31, 2045. Topics include data collection, annual generation trends statewide and by region, historical generation from 2001 through 2018, flexible capacity, and generation profiles over a year, month, and day.