Market Informed Demand Automation Server (MIDAS) Documentation Version 1.2: Connecting to and Interacting with the MIDAS Database and Application Programming Interface
Publication Number
October 17, 2022
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Efficiency (400)
Appliance Efficiency Regulations
Morgan Shepherd, David Cuffee, Stefanie Wayland
The California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Market Informed Demand Automation Server (MIDAS) is a database of current, future, and historic time-varying rates, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with electrical generation, and California Flex Alert Signals. The database is populated by electric load serving entities (LSEs), WattTime’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) application programming interface (API), the California Independent System Operator (California ISO), and other entities that are registered with the MIDAS system.
MIDAS is accessible through a public API at in two standard machine-readable formats: extensible markup language (XML), and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). MIDAS querying is public and accessible to all registered users. CEC strongly encourages LSE users have programming skills and software to effectively populate and maintain rate information stored in the database. Non-LSE users however should be able to retrieve information stored in MIDAS without requiring extensive programming skills. Retrieving MIDAS-hosted data can be easily done through the code examples provided or through a user’s own code.