Diablo Canyon Power Plant Extension – CEC Analysis of Need to Support Reliability
Publication Number
March 01, 2023
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Assessments (200)
David Erne, Mark Kootstra
The Diablo Canyon Power Plant Extension – CEC Analysis of Need to Support Reliability addresses a requirement in Senate Bill 846 (Dodd, Chapter 239, Statutes of 2022) for the California Energy Commission (CEC) to determine the need to extend the operation of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) for 2024–2030. The analysis is based on a CEC assessment of the state’s electricity reliability based on forecasted demand and supply for that period. Based on CEC’s analysis, the CEC staff recommends that CEC determine that it is prudent for the state to pursue extension of DCPP. This determination is driven by the risk that sufficient electricity resources may not be built in time to reach the ordered procurement and to address potential grid demands in extreme heat events associated with climate change.