California Energy Resource and Reliability Outlook, 2024
Publication Number
August 14, 2024
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Assessments (200)
Chie Hong Yee Yang, Kristen Widdifield, Liz Gill, Hannah Craig, Angela Tanghetti, Grace Anderson, Christopher McLean, Aloke Gupta, Justin Cochran, Joseph Merrill, Lana Wong, Heidi Javanbakht, Michael Nyberg
The California Energy Resource and Reliability Outlook is the California Energy Commission’s comprehensive, statewide assessment of electric and natural gas energy resource planning and reliability for the upcoming summer and midterm, spanning the next five years. Outlooks in future years will include petroleum resources.
The intent of this California Energy Resource and Reliability Outlook is to provide a complete picture of planning and reliability for all investor-owned utilities and publicly owned utilities in California for the period of 2024–2028, to the extent that data are available.