Open Framework for Integrated Data Operations (OpenFIDO)
Publication Number
March 29, 2024
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Research and Development (500)
Contract Number
David P. Chassin, Duncan Ragsdale, Alyona I. Teyber, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Kevin Rohling, Presence Product Group, Matthew Tisdale, Katie Wu, Girdworks, Bo Yang, Yanzhu Yu, Hitachi America Laboratories
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) National Accelerator Laboratory is operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The authors would like to thank Pedram Jahangiri at National Grid for his contribution to the development of OpenFIDO. Thanks also go to our collaborators at Gridworks and the Hitachi America Laboratories staff including Rehana Aziz, Deborah Shields, Yanzhu Ye, and Panitarn (Joseph) Chongfyanprinya, for their efforts supporting the integration of OpenFIDO into their products and services. The authors would also like to thank the engineers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, including Jason Fuller, Tom McDermott, and Frank Tuffner, for their contributions. Thanks also go to the software engineers and designers at Presence Product Group, including Natalie Hansen, Jason Monberg, Nick Polkowski, Kevin Rohling, Dane Summers, and Peuan Thinsan.
The authors would like to recognize the team of engineers, administrators, postdocs, graduate students, and interns at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University for their support, participation, and contributions to this project. Special recognition goes to Natalie Cramar, Steve Chao, Jonathan Goncalves, Veronika Lubeck, Mayank Malik, Jewel Newman, Anna Peery, Supriya Premkumar, Nani Sarosa, Berk Serbercioglu, Derin Serbercioglu, Sara Borchers, Mohamed Nijad, Palash Goiporia, Jimmy Leu, and Fuhong Xie.
Special thanks to Karen Schooler for formatting and editing this document as well as the administration of student research associate assignments and internships, and to Pamela Wright-Brunache for administering the project subcontracts.