Transportation Fuels Assessment: Policy Options for a Reliable Supply of Affordable and Safe Transportation Fuels in California
Publication Number
August 15, 2024
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Assessments (200)
Quentin Gee, Aria Berliner, Alexander Wong
The Transportation Fuels Assessment is a leading component of SB X1-2. This assessment identifies potential alternative methods to ensure a reliable supply of affordable and safe transportation fuels in California, evaluates the price of transportation fuels, considers supply conditions, assesses the impact of refinery closures, analyzes impacts on production from refinery maintenance and turnarounds, evaluates the feasibility of alternative methods to maintain adequate supply of fuels, and proposes solutions to mitigate impacts described elsewhere in the assessment. This report includes policy options that can help address price spikes that are unique to the California market. Each policy has an accompanying one-page summary table or set of tables with a summary of that policy.