CEC-1304 (xlsx, 114 kb) | Instructions (pdf, 93.2 kb)

Power plants with a total nameplate capacity of 1MW or more provide information on their gross generation, net generation, fuel use by fuel type for each generator, as well as total electricity consumed on site and electricity sales for the plant as a whole. Power plants with nameplate capacity of fifty megawatts or more also report monthly fuel cost by fuel type for each electric generator. Power plants with nameplate capacity of one megawatt or more provide environmental information related to biological resources. Power plants with nameplate capacity of twenty megawatts or more also provide environmental information related to water supply and water/wastewater discharge.

Who must file reports?
Each owner of an electric power plant located within California or within a control area with end users inside California.

Frequency of reports.
For fuel and generation information, power plants with nameplate capacity of ten megawatts (10 MW) or more submit this form quarterly. Power plants with nameplate capacity from one megawatt (1 MW) to less than ten megawatts (10 MW) submit this form annually. Environmental information (CEC 1304 Schedule 3) is submitted annually.

Energy Commission Staff Contacts

This form provides monthly system peak demand and hourly load in each California control area. The report also lists utility distribution companies (UDCs) in each California control area and the interconnections and interchanges with adjacent control areas. The report tracks changes that occur when UDCs join or leave a control area. The data is used in analyzing electricity generation resources and imports and exports of electricity.

Who must file:
Each control area operator with California end users in their control area.

When to file:
Submit for the previous month on the 15th day of each month. For example January 2008, is due February 15, 2008.

Energy Commission Staff Contacts.

The information submitted on these forms includes utility distribution companies' and load serving entities' number of customers, revenue, and retail electricity sales and/or deliveries (in kilowatt-hours) reported by county, rate class, and NAICS codes or major customer group. Utility distribution companies must also report information about any natural gas tolling agreements and provide a list of all power plants interconnected to the distribution company's service territory.

Who must file reports?

Each utility distribution company and load serving entity with retail electric customers in California. These companies include electric utilities, electricity service providers, and community aggregators.

Frequency of reports

Electricity sales and deliveries and tolling agreement information are reported quarterly. The list of power plants interconnected in each utility distribution company's service area is reported semi-annually.

Energy Commission Staff Contacts

CEC-1308A (40 kb) |  Instructions (20 kb)
CEC-1308B (56 kb) | Instructions (24 kb)
CEC-1308C (36 kb) | Instructions (20 kb)

The information reported on this form includes utility natural gas receipts and sendout. The receipt information includes pipeline locations at the California border and in-state locations. Sendout information includes the type of customer and how the gas is used. This form also includes more detailed information reported by gas utilities and retailers that tells the number of customers, revenue, and retail gas deliveries (therms) reported by county, rate, and industrial classification or economic sector.

Who must file reports? Each gas utility that delivers gas to customers in California; each gas producer that consumes natural gas in California; each gas marketer, retailer, or energy service provider that sells gas to California customers.

Frequency of reports. This form is submitted quarterly.

Energy Commission Staff Contacts.

  • Natural gas receipt and sendout (CEC-1308A): NGUn@energy.ca.gov
  • Gas Utility Deliveries and Revenue Report (CEC-1308B): Cam Nguyen or 916-654-4161
  • Gas Retailer Report (CEC-1308C): Cam Nguyen or 916-654-4161

CEC-1309 (93 kb) | Instructions (105 kb)

The information reported on this form includes interstate pipeline natural gas receipts and deliveries to customers classified by county and customer classification code (NAICS). The form also includes interstate pipeline deliveries to specific locations in California and the California border.

Who must file reports? Each interstate pipeline company serving California.

Frequency of reports. This form is submitted quarterly.

Energy Commission Staff Contact

CEC-1310 ( Not Available) |  Instructions ( pdf, 16 kb)

The information reported on this form is for various products such as ethane, propane, and butane produced at natural gas processing plants in California. The product information includes beginning month stock, receipts, inputs, production, shipments during the month, and ending month stock.

Who must file reports? Each natural gas processing plant in California.

Frequency of reports: This form is submitted quarterly. The California Energy Commission accepts the EIA-816 form in lieu of the CEC-1310 form.

Energy Commission Staff Contact

CEC-1311 (28 kb) | Instructions (28 kb)

The information reported on this form includes expenditures, actual savings, and expected savings for each public owned utility's electricity efficiency and demand reduction programs. The form includes information about energy and peak demand savings.

Who must file reports? Publicly-owned utilities serving California electric customers.

Frequency of reports: This form is submitted annually.

Energy Commission Staff Contact:

Information reported through these forms includes historical and forecast annual, peak and hourly electricity demand; economic and demographic drivers used to develop load forecasts; projected revenue requirements; and a narrative description of forecasting methods.

Who must file reports? 
Electric utilities, community choice aggregators, and electric service providers serving an annual peak load greater than 200 MW.

Frequency of reports: 
This form is submitted biennially.

Information reported through these forms includes historical and forecast annual and peak energy and capacity requirements. The plan shows how procured resources will meet these requirements while adhering to reliability standards.

Who must file reports? 
Large Investor owned utilities, large community choice aggregators, large energy service providers, and all publicly owned utilities (large and small) are required to report. Please see instructions for more details.

Frequency of reports: 
This form is submitted biennially (even numbered years) as part of the IEPR proceeding.


Michael Nyberg
