23-IEPR-03 - Electricity and Gas Demand Forecast
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For questions please contact: Integrated Energy Policy Report Team
Forecast Files
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - CAISO - Local_Reliability - Corrected
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - CAISO - Planning_Scenario - Corrected
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - PGE - Local_Reliability - Corrected
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - PGE - Planning_Scenario - Corrected
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - SCE - Local_Reliability - Corrected
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - SCE - Planning_Scenario - Corrected
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - SDGE - Local_Reliability - Corrected
- CED 2023 Hourly Forecast - SDGE - Planning_Scenario - Corrected
- CED 2023 Peak Forecast - Corrected
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - SMUD
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - Total State
- CED 2023 Baseline Natural Gas Forecast
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - BUGL
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - IID
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - LADWP
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - NCNC
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - SCE
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - PGE
- CED 2023 Baseline Forecast - SDGE
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - BUGL Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - SCE Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - PGE Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - NCNC Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - LADWP Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - IID Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - BUGL Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - SMUD Utility - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - SDGE Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - SCE Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - PGE Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - NCNC Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - LADWP Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Local Reliability (AAEE 2 and AAFS 4) - IID Planning Area - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - SMUD Utility - Corrected
- 2023 IEPR Planning Scenario (AAEE 3 and AAFS 3) - SDGE Planning Area - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - NCNC Planning Area - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - LADWP Planning Area - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - IID Planning Area - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - BUGL Planning Area - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - SMUD Utility - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - SDGE Planning Area - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - SCE Planning Area - Corrected
- Gradual Transformation AAFS Scenario Hourly Impacts - PGE Planning Area - Corrected