Event Date
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
02:00 PM
- 04:00 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
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The Citizens Oversight Board (COB) February 17, 2021 Meeting will be held remotely, consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 and the recommendations from the California Department of Public Health to encourage physical distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19.
The public is able to participate and observe the meeting consistent with the direction in these Executive Orders. Instructions for remote participation can be found in the notice for this meeting and as set forth below in this agenda. Pursuant to California Code of Regulations Title 20 Section 1104(e), any person may make oral comment on any agenda item. To ensure the orderly conduct of business, such comments will be limited to three minutes per person as to each item listed on the agenda that will be voted on today.
Any person wishing to comment on information items or reports (non-voting items) shall reserve their comment for the general public comment portion of the meeting agenda and shall have three minutes total to address all remaining comments.