Funding for this program is no longer available as the program has ended; projects are in the construction and reporting phase. Interested parties are encouraged to SUBSCRIBE to the list serve to receive information on future programs as they may become available.

Proposition 39 K-12 Program Reminders and Deadlines

Project Completion

The deadline for all Proposition 39 funded projects to be installed was June 30, 2021

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with Proposition 39 funded projects that were not completed by the June 30, 2021 deadline, are be required to return Prop 39 funds.


LEAs making changes to their approved Energy Expenditure Plan (EEP) triggering an amendment, must file an amendment request. Amendments are required if the LEA, 1) added an energy efficiency measure(s) not included in the approved EEP, 2) removed an energy efficiency measure(s) in the approved EEP, 3) changed the approved equipment quantity installed by more than 15%, or 4) if overall project cost increased or decreased by more than 15% of the approved EEP funding.

Annual Reports

LEAs annual progress reports were due to the California Energy Commission (CEC) no later than September 30, 2021. Annual progress reports were required to include Prop 39 K-12 program funded project work for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

LEAs must provide an annual progress report to the CEC for each approved energy expenditure plan until all energy measures within the expenditure plan are completed/installed. As the project installation deadline was June 30, 2021, this was the final year for annual reports. Annual progress report templates were made available July 1, 2021, through the Energy Expenditure Plan Online Reporting system found at

Instructions, training videos, and PowerPoint presentations for completing the annual report are available on the CEC’s Proposition 39 K-12 program webpage, found at Annual Progress Report Instructions (Revised 2016).

Final Project Completion Reports

All final reports were due no later than September 30, 2022. LEAs with Proposition 39 funded projects must submit a Final Report. LEAs failing to submit a final report are required to return Prop 39 funds.

Questions may be directed to 

Proposition 39 K-12 Program Notice: Energy Expenditure Plan

Amendments to Energy Expenditure Plans
LEAs making changes to their EEP triggering an amendment, must file an amendment request. Amendments are required if the LEA (1) added an energy efficiency measure(s) not included in the approved EEP, (2) removed an energy efficiency measure(s) in the approved EEP, (3) changed the approved equipment quantity installed by more than 15%, or (4) if overall project cost increased or decreased by more than 15%.

  • For LEAs with completed projects, amendments were due no later than June 1, 2021.

Please note the following additional Proposition 39 K-12 program deadlines:

  • June 30, 2021 - All projects were to be fully installed and completed.
  • July 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021- Annual reports covering project work performed during the prior fiscal year, July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021, were due to the Energy Commission. The annual report template was made available to LEAs via the Energy Expenditure Plan Online Reporting System on July 1, 2021. Annual reports were due September 30, 2021.

Proposition 39 Program Deadlines

On May 13, 2020, the California Energy Commission approved an extension of the California Clean Energy Jobs Act K-12 Program (Proposition 39) deadlines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Final project completion date by one year to June 30, 2021
Final project completion reports date by one year to June 30, 2022

Prop 39 K-12 Program Success

The Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39) K-12 Program allocated more than $1.5 billion over five years to schools across the state to improve facilities and help lower energy bills. Upgrades include switching to LED lighting, replacing inefficient air-conditioning and heating units, and installing solar panels.

Read more success stories on the California Energy Commission's blog.



Proposition 39 K-12


California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39)