Event Date

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
09:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Location Name

Remote Access Only

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To all interested parties:


Please join us for an upcoming Demand Analysis Working Group (DAWG) meeting: “Demand Scenarios” on September 15th, 2021 from 9:30am-12:30pm


Staff in the Demand Analysis Office (DAO) have formally launched the Demand Scenarios project for the 2021 IEPR. This new long-term demand scenario development and assessment project attempts to identify energy demand and supply consequences and GHG emission reductions from existing and near-term policies. These new long term demand scenarios are being developed to complement the traditional 10-year gas and electricity demand forecast used for energy planning and procurement purposes.


For the 2021 IEPR, we are collaborating with E3 to adapt their PATHWAYS model (Adapted PATHWAYS) to selectively replace internal data inputs and calculations with external inputs from DAO that quantify energy projections in the residential, commercial, and transportation sectors for each of the three types of scenarios. Other demand side sectors (industry, agriculture, water pumping) will also be using the PATHWAYS Model with CEC Economic Demographic variables.


Presentations will be made on the topics listed below:

  • Rationale for Demand Scenarios project
  • Overview of Demand Scenarios
  • AAEE & AAFS Scenario Development and Deployment
  • Transportation Demand Scenarios

Energy Commission staff will facilitate discussion on the topics listed above. During the meeting, attendees are encouraged to ask questions, offer other resources, and provide critical feedback.


An agenda and materials will be posted in advance of the September 15th webinar to the DAWG webpage: https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/topics/energy-assessment/demand-analysis-working-group-dawg.


The workshop will be held via webinar-only.




Future meeting announcements will be sent only to the Demand Analysis Working Group list. To subscribe: https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/topics/energy-assessment/demand-analysis-working-group-dawg.


Please direct questions to Anitha Rednam at Anitha.Rednam@energy.ca.gov or Mike Jaske at Mike.Jaske@energy.ca.gov.