Event Date
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
10:00 AM
- 12:00 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
Add to CalendarThe California Energy Commission (CEC) will conduct a workshop to discuss updates to the California Energy Demand 2019-2030 Forecast. The workshop is part of the CEC’s 2020 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update (2020 IEPR Update) proceeding. A quorum of commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken. The workshop will be held remotely, consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 and the recommendations from the California Department of Public Health to encourage physical distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. The public can participate and observe the workshop consistent with the direction in these executive orders. Instructions for remote participation are provided below.
Notice and Agenda
- Notice of Workshop
- Workshop Schedule - 1000 AM Session 1 – Economic and Demographic Scenarios, Electricity Rates, and Self-generation
- Transcript
- Presentation - Introduction S1. 1 Fugate, Nick, CEC - Introduction
- Presentation - CEDU 2020-2030 Background, process, demand cases, and preliminary analysis S1. 2 Garcia, Cary, CEC - Method, Scenarios, and Preliminary Results
- Electric Rate Scenarios S1. 3 Marshall, Lynn, CEC - Electric Rate Scenarios
- Presentation - Updating Historical Behind-the-Meter PV Information S1. 4 Konala, Sudhakar, CEC - Photovoltaic System Adoption & Generation
- Presentation - Peak and Hourly Forecasting S1. 5 Fugate, Nick, CEC - Peak and Hourly Forecasting