Event Date
Thursday, August 8, 2024
01:00 PM
- 05:00 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
Add to CalendarThe California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a workshop to explore the feasibility of wave and tidal energy resources per Senate Bill (SB) 605 (Padilla, Chapter 405, Statutes of 2023). SB 605 requires the CEC in consultation with other state agencies to evaluate the following factors that may increase the use of wave and tidal energy resources in California, including findings on technological and economic feasibility, transmission needs and permitting processes, workforce and project economic development needs, and monitoring strategies to evaluate impacts to marine and tidal ecosystems. The evaluation will be included in the 2024 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update (2024 IEPR Update), the CEC’s biannual energy policy report that is updated on alternate years such as 2024.
This workshop is part of the 2024 IEPR Update proceeding. Chair Hochschild is the CEC’s Lead Commissioner for the 2024 IEPR Update with Vice Chair Siva Gunda as the Associate Commissioner. A quorum of commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken.
The CEC aims to begin promptly at the start time posted and the end time is an estimate based on the proposed agenda. The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time.
The public can participate in the workshop consistent with the attendance instructions below.
Notice and Agenda
- Notice of IEPR Commissioner Workshop on Offshore Wave and Tidal Energy
- Notice of Availability and Opportunity to Comment on the Draft Consultant Report Wave and Tidal Energy Evaluation of Feasibility, Costs, and Benefits
- Wave and Tidal Energy Evaluation of Feasibility, Costs, and Benefits Senate Bill 605 Report
- Meeting Schedule
- Introduction and Overview of Senate Bill 605 1. Danielle Mullany, CEC
- Wave and Tidal Energy - Evaluation of Feasibility, Costs, and Benefits - Senate Bill 605 Consultant Report 2. A. Dave Anning, Integral Consulting Inc. B. Lily Busse, Guidehouse C. Claire Huang, Guidehouse D. Sharon Kramer, H.T. Harvey & Associates
- Permitting Considerations for Wave and Tidal Energy 3A. Eli Harland, CEC
- IEPR Workshop on SB 605 3B. Jennifer Mattox, CA State Lands Commission
- Role in Permitting for Wave and Tidal Energy 3C. Victor Almeida, CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife
- CEC R&D and EPIC Overview 4. Kevin Uy, CEC
- CALWAVE Unlocking the Power of the Ocean 5A. Marcus Lehmann, CalWave
- Ocean Renewable Power Company 5B. Stuart Davies, ORPC
- OPT Corporate Overview 5C. Philipp Stratmann, OPT
- Wave Power To power the planet 5D. Patrik Moller, CorPower
- C-Power IEPR Commissioner Workshop on Offshore Wave and Tidal Energy 5E. Ryan Calder, C-Power