Project Owner
Calpine Corporation
Docket Number
750 MW
Kern County
Combined Cycle
Project Status
Operational (Natural Gas-Fired)
Project Type
Application for Certification
Project Description

The Pastoria Energy Facility (PEF) is located in southeastern Kern County near the unincorporated communities of Grapevine and Lebec about 30 miles south of Bakersfield.

PEF is a nominal 750 MW combined-cycle, natural gas-fired facility consisting of three GE Energy 7FA gas turbines. Associated facilities include a 1.38-mile, 230 kilovolt (kV) electric overhead transmission line that interconnects to Southern California Edison’s Pastoria Substation; an 11.65-mile natural gas fuel supply line that connects with the Kern-Mojave Pipeline; and a 0.15-mile water supply pipeline that connects to the Wheeler-Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District’s pipeline network. Access to the facility is via a 0.85-mile road that connects with Edmonston Pump Plant Road.

In June 13, 2001, the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved an ownership change (TN 20962) from Enron North America Corporation to Calpine Corporation.

On July 25, 2001, the CEC approved a Post-Certification Amendment (PTA) (TN 21721) to convert from aqueous to anhydrous ammonia to control facility emissions.

The Pastoria Energy Facility Expansion Project, a simple cycle addition (05-AFC-01C) was approved on November 8, 2006. However, the project was never built, and the license expired on December 18, 2011.

On February 24, 2012, the CEC approved a PTA (TN 63773) to modify the project by replacing certain components in the Advanced Gas Path on two of the three existing combustion turbines with parts that are designed to operate at new, higher firing temperatures. These replaced components will improve the turbine heat rate and generate power more efficiently.

On December 30, 2013, the CEC approved a PTA (TN 201427) to install a second brine crystallizer to PEF’s Zero Liquid Discharge system. The addition of a second crystallizer allows the plant to process water more efficiently.

  • Approval of Project Change to SOIL & WATER 5, TN 19412, 03/21/2001, Staff approval to modify Condition of Certification SOIL&WATER-5 to clarify the source of backup water supply.
  • Commission Order Approving Ownership Transfer, TN 20962, 06/19/2001, Order No. 01-0613-01a, Commission approval of ownership transfer to Pastoria Energy Center LLC.
  • Approval of 15-Acre Expansion of Construction Laydown Yard, TN 21231, 06/19/2001, Staff approval of the 15-acre expansion of the construction laydown yard with minor revisions to the Commission Decision Conditions of Certification BIO-05, BIO-08, and BIO-10.
  • Approval of Project Changes to Site Reconfiguration and New Condition of Certification TRANS-9, TN 21348, 06/28/2001, Staff approval of general site reconfiguration, reduction in heat recovery steam generator stack height, refined turbine performance/steam injection power augmentation, modification of the fuel gas supply pipeline route, and an increase in the construction workforce, subject to subject to the addition of a new Condition of Certification TRANS-9.
  • Notice of Exemption for Integration of New or Re-Powered Generating Units with CAL-ISO, TN 21921, 08/09/2001, Staff approval to add Condition of Certification TSE-4 to ensure coordinated integration of new generating unit with California’s electricity grid.
  • Approval of Revisions to Conditions of Certification AQ-24 and AQ-27 and Verification Changes AQ-25 and AQ-26, TN 22672, 10/09/2001, Staff approval to modify Conditions of Certification AQ-24 and 27 to allow ERCs to be surrendered prior to start of operation. Conditions of Certification AQ-25 and 26 verification changes.
  • Order Approving Conversion to Anhydrous Ammonia, TN 21721, 01/11/2002, Order No. 01-0725-02, Commission approval to convert from aqueous to anhydrous ammonia to control facility emissions.
  • Approval of Verification Change AQ-2, TN 23901, 01/08/2002, Staff approval to extend the submittal timeframe for the design details of the continuous emission monitoring system and modify Air Quality condition of certification AQ-2.
  • Approval of Revisions to Conditions of Certification AQ-17, -18, -19, -20, -24, and -26, TN 24084, 01/11/2002, Staff approval to modify Air Quality conditions to reflect lower NOx and PM10 emission limits and revision of emission offset package.
  • Approval of Petition to Modify Transmission Towers, TN 25164, 01/16/2002, Staff approval to increase the transmission tower height from 120 to 128 feet and to eliminate three transmission towers.
  • Approval of Petition to Modify Natural Gas Pipeline Reroute 2B, TN 31072, 03/08/2004, Staff approval to reroute a 1.9-mile segment along the northern section of the natural gas pipeline to avoid impacts to endangered species habitat.
  • Approval of Petition to Reroute Natural Gas Pipeline Segment 2Aand Changes to Verifications for Soils & Water-1, 2, & 7, TN 31117, 03/17/2004, Staff approval to reroute a two-mile segment along the southern section of the natural gas pipeline to avoid impacts to endangered species habitat and modify verification language in Conditions of Certification SOIL&WATER-1, 2 and 7 for reporting requirements to comply with applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards.
  • Approval of Conversion of Acreage to Permanent and Approval of Condition of Certification Verification Change to BIO-11, TN 34488, 05/26/2005, Staff approval to permanently (rather than previously approved temporary) maintain 1.022 acres for the lifespan of the project. The verification change to Condition of Certification BIO-11.
  • Commission Order Approving Increase in Cooling Tower PM10 Emissions, TN 25957, 06/19/2002, Order No. 02-0612-01b, Commission approval to allow a minor increase in cooling tower particulate matter (PM10) emissions. Approved are changes to Air Quality Conditions of Certification AQ-24, 55, 58, 64, and 67.
  • Commission Order Approving Elimination of Passive Plume Abatement System, TN 27682, 12/18/2002, Order No. 02-1211-03, Commission approval to eliminate the passive plume abatement system from the cooling tower design, and to delete Condition of Certification VIS-7.
  • Order Approving Modifications to the Emission Reduction Offset Package and Other Changes That Affect Air Quality Conditions Of Certification, TN 32993, 12/23/2004, Order No. 04-1215-03) Commission approval to modify ERC offset package and other Air Quality changes.
  • Order Approving a Temporary Increase in Emissions During Commissioning, TN 32992, 12/23/2004, Order No. 04-1215-04, Commission approval to temporarily increase in NOx and CO emissions during commissioning.
  • Approval to Replace Components in the Advanced Gas Path, TN 63773, 02/24/2012, Staff approval to replace certain components in the Advanced Gas Path on two of the three existing combustion turbines.
  • Notice of Determination for Approval to Install a Second Brine Crystallizer to the Zero Liquid Discharge System, TN 201427, 12/30/2013, Staff approval to install a second brine crystallizer to the Zero Liquid Discharge system to allow the plant to process water more efficiently and will not result in any significant adverse effect on the environment
  • Order Approving a Petition to Amend AQ-16 to Eliminate the Carbon Monoxide Concentration Limit, TN 202254, 04/28/2014, Order No. 14-0422-03, Commission approval to eliminate one-hour CO concentration limit of 25 ppm for natural gas-fired CTGs that become effective two hours after a turbine startup.
  • Authorization for a Software Modification to Allow An Increased Firing Temperature When Warranted, TN 239187, 11/30/2020, Staff approval of a software change to allow an increased firing temperature when additional megawatts are needed or requested by the California Independent System Operator.
  • Authorization of Interconnection of Pastoria Solar Project to Switchyard, TN 239184, 08/04/2001, Staff approval to add several circuit breakers and grounding switches in the PEF switchyard

Attention: Non-hypertext items above will need to be requested from the Compliance Project Manager, along with the document TN number, if provided above.

Power Plant Certification and Exemption Processes

The CEC has the exclusive authority to certify all thermal power plants 50 megawatts (MW) and larger and related facilities proposed for construction in California. The Application for Certification (AFC) process is a certified regulatory program under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As a certified regulatory program, the CEC does not prepare environmental impact reports (EIRs) in an AFC proceeding, but instead prepares environmental assessment documents that are functionally equivalent to EIRs. A certificate issued by the CEC is in lieu of any permit, certificate, or similar document otherwise required by any state, local or regional agency, or federal agency to the extent permitted by federal law, and supersedes any applicable statute, ordinance, or regulation of any state, local, or regional agency, or federal agency to the extent permitted by federal law.

Original Proceeding

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Docket Log (99-AFC-07)

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