- Project Owner
- Midway Sunset Cogeneration Company
- Docket Number
- 85-AFC-03
- Capacity
- 225 MW
- Location
- Kern County
- Technology
- Simple Cycle
- Project Status
- Operational (Natural Gas-Fired)
- Project Type
- Application for Certification
The Midway Sunset Cogeneration Company (MSCC) project is located in Fellows, Kern County, California, approximately 40 miles west of Bakersfield.
MSCC is a 225-megawatt cogeneration facility that also produces steam to aid in thermally enhanced oil recovery. The facility is comprised of three GE Frame 7E combustion turbine generators (CTGs). The three CTGs were designed to produce electricity for sale to utilities and across the fence to the steam host. The steam host purchases all the steam generated by the CTGs for use in oil recovery.
Since commissioning of the project, output, oil production and, subsequently, steam demand has declined. Starting in November 2010, the steam host required steam from only two CTGs, four years later from only one CTG. Since the original steam distribution system was designed for steam output from three CTGs, steam production from one CTG was not enough to maintain the required pressure, temperature, and quality at distant injection wells.
On May 19, 2014, the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved a Post-Certification Amendment (PTA) (TN 202345) allow MSCC to remove to from service approximately 9,000 feet of the steam distribution system, isolating the furthest portion of the distribution system. This would allow MSCC to maintain pressure and quality throughout the distribution system at the reduced flow rates.
On May 19, 2014, the CEC approved a PTA (TN 202346) to allow the upgrade of existing Dry Low-NOx 9 (DLN9) combustion systems (Units A and B) to the latest revision DLN1+Turndown Enhance combustion systems.
On June 14, 2016, the CEC approved a PTA (TN 211855) to allow the divestiture of the remaining portion of the existing steam distribution line to Aera Energy, LLC.
- Order Approving a Change to Biological Resources Condition of Certification No. 5, Not in Docket, 04/06/1988, Order No. 88-0406, Commission approval of a change to BIO-5. Because Condition No. 5 requires that an "interest-bearing escrow account” be established, the language must be amended to specify that a Special Deposit Fund Account be used.
- Order Approving Amendment to Transmission Line Engineering Conditions of Certification Nos. 1b and 4h, Not in Docket, 06/22/1988, Order No. 88-0622-35k, Commission approval to modify TLE Conditions 1b and 4b, allowing substitution of three steel structures for three H-frame wood-pole structures in the transmission line at the connection with the Midway Substation.
- Order Approving Amendment to Reliability and Safety Condition of Certification No. 5, Not in Docket, 07/13/1988, No. 88-0713-02a, Commission approval to rescind Reliability and Safety Condition of Certification No. 5, which requires MSCC to provide space at the plant site for the installation of a ground-motion instrument.
- Order Approving Amendment of Air Quality Condition of Certification No. 13, Not in Docket, 02/15/1989, Order No. 89-0215-05a, Commission approval to modify Air Quality condition of certification AQ-13.
- Order Approving Amendment to Air Quality Conditions, Of Certification, Not in Docket, 05/10/1989, Order No. 89-0510-06a, Commission approval to allow for the substitution of a rock muffler/steam injection pit for two steam injection wells.
- Order Approving Purchase of Endangered Species Habitat by the Nature Conservancy, TN 213586, 09/09/16, Order No. 89-0607-14, Pursuant to BIO-5, the Commission must approve all proposals to purchase habitat using monies from the Midway-Sunset Special Wildlife Habitat Preservation Fund.
- Order Approving Amendment of Biological Resources Conditions of Certification, Not in Docket, 06/28/1989, Order No. 89-0628-23b Commission approval to allow MSCC to supply cogeneration steam to the Sun Exploration and Production Dickenson lease and to a recently unitized Section 15 lease, neither part of the original project description.
- Order Approving Purchase of Endangered Species Habitat by the Nature Conservancy, Not in Docket, 06/28/1989, Order No. 89-0628-23c, Commission approval to purchase of endangered species habitat by the Nature Conservancy per BIO-5.
- Order Approving Amendment of Demand Conformance Condition 2 and Power Plant Efficiency Condition 1, Not in Docket, 01/17/1990, Order No. 90-0117-08c, Commission approval to modify the conditions of Certification to allow the sale of excess electricity to PG&E and others.
- Order Approving Amendment of Air Quality Condition 14, Power Plant Efficiency Condition 1 and Addition of Biology Condition 14, Not in Docket, Order No. 90-0606-23b, Commission approval to modify the Conditions of Certification to allow the sale of steam to steam buyers other than Orxy Energy Company; and add the interconnecting steam pipeline to MSCC's project description.
- Order Approving the Change in Ownership of 49 Percent of MSCC from Oryx Energy to the Atlantic Richfield Company, Not in Docket, 04/17/1991, Order No. 91-0417-03c, Commission approval of transfer of ownership of 49 percent of MSCC from Oryx Energy to the Atlantic Richfield Company.
- Order Approving Amendment of Air Quality Conditions 36, 37, 38, 42 & 43, Not in Docket, 11/20/1991, Order No. 91-1023-03d, Commission approval to modify the Air Quality Conditions of Certification to be consistent with modified KCAPCD ATC.
- Order Approving Amendments to the Project Description and Biological & Cultural Conditions of Certification and Engineering LORS, Not in Docket, 11/20/1991, Order No. 91-1120-04a, Commission approval to install and operate a four-mile natural gas pipeline.
- Order Approving Endowment Request by the California Nature Conservancy, Not in Docket, 01/22/1992, No. 92-0122-03, Commission approval of the establishment of the endowment in the amount of $900,000.00 for release to The Nature Conservancy from the Commission controlled Special Deposit Funds. An amount of $670,826 shall be provided from the Sycamore-San Joaquin Kit Fox Preserve Account and an amount of $229,174.00 from the Midway-Sunset special wildlife Habitat Preservation Fund account. (See Order under Sycamore Cogeneration Project 84-AFC-06C).
- Order Approving Amendment of Project Design, Not in Docket, 05/13/1992, Order No. 92-0513-08c, Commission approval to install a shut-off valve assembly as part of the steam delivery system.
- Commission Order Approving Purchasing of Endangered Species Habitat, TN 660, 08/18/1992, Commission approval of the purchase of endangered species habitat by the Nature Conservancy.
- Notice of Post Certification Change to Disconnect the Oil Supply System from Two of the Three Turbines, TN 214785, 12/14/2016, Staff approval to disconnect the oil supply system from two of the three turbines and maintain the third turbine for oil-fired emissions testing/certification.
- Notice of Post Certification Change Approval to Install Reverse Osmosis Unit, Not in Docket, 03/04/1994, Staff approval to install a Reverse Osmosis Unit ahead of the demineralizer system.
- Order Approving Purchase of Endangered Species Habitat, TN 8884, 05/25/1995, Commission approval of the purchase of endangered species habitat by the Center for Natural Lands Management.
- Commission Approval of Changes to Air Quality Conditions of Certification, TN 2657, 11/10/1995, Order No. 95-0920-01a, Commission approval of changes to the Air Quality Conditions of Certification.
- Order Approving Purchase of Endangered Species Habitat, TN 2054, 11/18/1995, Order No. 95-1101-01c, Commission approval to purchase of endangered species habitat by the center for natural lands management.
- Order Approving Purchase of Endangered Species Habitat, TN 4600, 5/09/1997, approval (correction) for substitute purchase of endangered species habitat by the Center for Natural Lands Management. (Original docketed 5/5/1997, TN 4585).
- Notice of Post Certification Change Approval to Discontinue Aerial Photography, Not in Docket, 09/02/1997, Staff approval to discontinue annual aerial photography of project site and steam service area oil fields adjacent to the cogeneration power plant) as required by Condition of Certification BIO-10.
- Order Approving Addition of Warehouse, TN 9533, 10/19/1998, Order No. 98-1014-10, Commission approval of the addition of warehouse.
- Order Approving Ownership Transfer, TN 10106, 01/28/1999, Commission approval of transfer of ownership.
- Order Approving Proposed Amendment to Allow Use of Dry Low NOx Burners, TN 19784, 03/22/1999, Commission approval to allow the use of Dry Low NOx burners, modify current Air Quality Condition of Certification AQ-5, and delete Condition of Certification AQ-9.
- Order Approving a Petition to Amend Air Quality Conditions of Certification, TN 16680, 11/07/2000, Order No. 00-1011-10, Commission approval modify AQ-18 to reflect a decrease in emissions limits for combustion turbines modified with DLN-9 combustor technology.
- Notice of Insignificant Project Change for Approval to Add Wet Compression (Foggers) to Turbines, TN 28446, 02/27/2003, Staff approval to add wet compression (foggers) to the three GE 7E natural gas-fired turbines.
- Order Approving a Petition to Add Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems, TN 29922, 09/15/2003, Order No. 03-0909-02, Commission approval to add a selective catalytic reduction system.
- Order Approving a Petition to Install an Evolution Rotor, TN 38292, 11/01/2006, Order No. 06-1030-03, Commission approval to install evolution rotor in Unit A turbine.
- Order Approving a Petition Project to Increase Ammonia Slip, TN 42576, 09/28/2007, Order No. 07-0926-02, Commission approval to increase the amount of unreacted ammonia (ammonia slip) into the stack emissions from 5 to 10 parts per million (ppm) at 15 percent O2 averaged over 24 hours.
- Approval to Perform Work on Steam Line, Not in Docket, 02/28/2008, Staff approval to work on the steam line.
- Order Approving a Petition to Replace Unit B Dry Low Nitrogen Oxide Combustion Equipment and Modify Air Quality Conditions Of Certification, TN 60289, 04/19/2011, Order No. 11-0406-02, Commission approval to replace Unit B's GE Dry Low Nitrogen Oxide (DLN) 9 Combustion system with DLN 1+ Combustion System, revise the equipment description for each combustion turbine generator, revise the compliance test submittal time frame and modify applicable Air Quality Conditions of Certification to reflect the allowed emission limits as required by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District.
- Notification of Change in Upstream Ownership, TN 202274, 04/30/2014, Letter of change in upstream ownership. NRG Energy, Inc. will acquire substantially all of Edison Mission Energy's (EME) assets, including EME's 50% ownership in MSCC.
- Order Approving a Petition to Allow the Divestiture of a Portion of Existing Steam Distribution System, TN 202345, 05/19/2014, Order No. 14-0514-01b, Commission approval to allow the divestiture of a portion of the existing steam distribution system.
- Order Approving a Petition to Upgrade the Existing Combustion Systems of Units A & B and Update Air Quality Conditions of Certification, TN 202346, 05/19/2014, Order No. 14-0514-03, Commission approval to upgrade the existing Dry 10w-NOx 9 (DLN9) combustion systems of Units A and B to have the latest revision DLN1+Turndown Enhance combustion systems.
- Order Approving Transfer Ownership of the Remaining Portion of Existing Steam Distribution Line, TN 211855, 06/17/2016, Order No. 16-0614-01b, Commission approval of transfer ownership of the remaining portion of the existing steam distribution line to Aera Energy, LLC
- Order Approving Petition for a Jointly Initiated Amendment to Remove Conditions of Certification AQ-15, EFF-1, and EFF-2, TN 237232, 03/19/2021, Order No. 21-0317-01a, Commission approval to remove AQ-15, EFF-1, and EFF-2 to eliminate restrictions on the project's ability to supply electric power during high demand peak loads on the California electric grid when there is no steam demand by steam hosts.
- Staff Approved Project Change for DNL1+TE Unit C Upgrade, TN 240195, 11/1/2021, Staff approval to replace the Unit C combustion system with Dry Low oxides of nitrogen (NOx) 1+Turndown Enhance (DLN1+TE) combustion system.
Attention: Non-hypertext items above will need to be requested from the Compliance Project Manager, along with the document TN number, if provided above.
Power Plant Certification and Exemption Processes
The CEC has the exclusive authority to certify all thermal power plants 50 megawatts (MW) and larger and related facilities proposed for construction in California. The Application for Certification (AFC) process is a certified regulatory program under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As a certified regulatory program, the CEC does not prepare environmental impact reports (EIRs) in an AFC proceeding, but instead prepares environmental assessment documents that are functionally equivalent to EIRs. A certificate issued by the CEC is in lieu of any permit, certificate, or similar document otherwise required by any state, local or regional agency, or federal agency to the extent permitted by federal law, and supersedes any applicable statute, ordinance, or regulation of any state, local, or regional agency, or federal agency to the extent permitted by federal law.
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