As legislatively required, the purpose of this proceeding is to develop Guiding Principles that provide overarching objectives for program design, implementation, and administration of the Zero Emission School Bus and Infrastructure (ZESBI) Funded Program. The goal of this program is to fund charging and refueling infrastructure that will support local educational agencies’ replacement of internal combustion school buses with zero-emission school buses, which will be funded by the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP). These principles reflect key program elements the CEC is prioritizing that must be utilized by the potential, competitively selected third-party implementer as they develop program proposals and program design.
Comments are due December 8, 2023. Summit comments to Docket Log (18-TRAN-01).
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Zero Emission School Bus and Infrastructure Funding Guiding Principles