The California Energy Commission holds a number of proceedings that include workshops, hearings, meetings, rulemaking, assessments and other actions.
Appliances Efficiency Standards - Rulemaking
Federal and Administrative Updates for the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations
Rulemaking to provide general amendments to the Appliance Efficiency Regulations.
Appliances Efficiency Standards - Pre-Rulemaking
Commercial Food Service Equipment
The California Energy Commission is initiating an order instituting rulemaking for future efficiency standards.
Dipper Wells
Appliance efficiency regulations for dipper wells.
Irrigation Controllers
Irrigation Controllers to improve the water efficiency of landscape irrigation controllers.
Low-Power Mode
Appliance efficiency regulations for Low-Power Mode.
Water Closets
Appliance efficiency regulations for water closets.
Building Energy Efficiency Standards
2025 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Rulemaking
The 2025 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Rulemaking is underway. Learn about hearings and how to submit comments.
2025 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen)
The 2025 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) Rulemaking is underway. Learn about hearings and how to submit comments.
Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician Certification Requirement Proceeding
Proceeding to determine if only certified acceptance test technicians perform acceptance testing of mechanical systems in non-residential buildings.
Modifications to Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing Program Requirements
Proceedings to move the field verification and diagnostic testing program requirements from Title 20 to Title 24 and to make program improvements.
Energy Assessments
Order Instituting Informational Proceeding for Gas Decarbonization
Decarbonizing California’s gas system will reduce the state’s dependence on fossil gas and fulfill climate goals.
Order Instituting Informational Proceeding on Distributed Energy Resources in California’s Energy Future
Proceeding on Distributed Energy Resources in California’s Energy Future.
Power Source Disclosure Pre-Rulemaking
Pre-rulemaking activities for the Power Source Disclosure Program are underway. Learn more about past and upcoming efforts here.
Senate Bill X1-2 Implementation
Implementation of SB X1-2 supports the state’s policies regarding petroleum industry data collection, reporting, and transition from petroleum fuels.
Energy Research and Development
Electric Program Investment Charge: 2021-2025 Investment Planning (EPIC 4)
EPIC Investment Plans helps the CEC continue to provide the innovations and leadership essential to meeting California’s energy and climate goals.
Load Flexibility
Pool Controls
A proceedings page with all documents for the pool controls docket.
Renewables Energy
No active proceedings at this time.
No active proceedings at this time.
Clean Transportation Program Community Benefits
The CEC is developing a framework to better identify, track, and improve community benefits provided by the Clean Transportation Program.
Communities in Charge
One of the CEC’s block grants to provide incentives for the purchase and installation of light-duty electric vehicle chargers.
Developing Electric Vehicle Charging Payment and Network Communication Standards
EV charger payment and network communication regulations.
Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles (EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles)
EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles provides zero-emission vehicle infrastructure incentives for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (21-TRAN-04).
Replacement Tire Efficiency Program Proceeding
Tire Efficiency Order Instituting Information Proceeding
Zero Emission School Bus and Infrastructure Funding Guiding Principles
Learn more about the Guiding Principles for the Zero Emission School Bus and Infrastructure (ZESBI) funding.