Clean Energy States Alliance - State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards 2024 Winners.
California Energy Commission, Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for Pool Controls.
The California Energy Commission will implement Senate Bill 49 (Skinner, Chapter 697, Statues of 2019) by adopting feasible and cost effective standards considering a list of priorities and factors outlined in statutes (e.g., cost, benefits to consumers, alignment of energy demand and supply, and maintain grid reliability).
When developing these standards, the CEC shall consider the following:
- Cybersecurity protocols
- Electrical demand controlled by load-management technology and third-party load-management programs.
- Load-management technology options.
- User-friendly interface and a straightforward setup and connection process.
- Interoperable or open-source options.
The CEC shall consult with the California Public Utilities Commission and load-serving entities to better align the flexible demand appliance standards with demand response programs administered by the state and load-serving entities and to incentivize the deployment of flexible demand appliances.
The following appliance categories have open rulemakings. Stakeholders can review proposals, submit comments, or view workshops.
The following appliance categories are in the pre-rulemaking stage. Stakeholders can submit proposals, make comments, or view workshops.
Currently, there are no open pre-rulemakings. Please check back.
- Flexible Demand Appliance Standards (California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 20, Sections 1690-1697)
- Docket Log (24-FDAS-02) Load Flexibility Policy and Planning