Natural Gas Research and Development Program - Proposed Budget Plan for Fiscal Year 2020-21
Publication Number
April 02, 2021
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Research and Development (500)
Gas Research and Development Program
Peter Chen
In 2000, Assembly Bill (AB) 1002 (Wright, Chapter 932, Statutes of 2000) was enacted, requiring the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to add a surcharge on natural gas consumed in California. This surcharge funded various energy efficiency programs and public interest research and development to benefit natural gas ratepayers. AB 1002 also required the CPUC to designate an entity to administer the research component of AB 1002. In 2004, the CPUC issued Decision 04-08-010, designating the California Energy Commission (CEC) as the research fund administrator.
The Natural Gas Research and Development Program Proposed Budget Plan for Fiscal Year 2020-21 describes the CEC’s proposed natural gas research initiatives in energy efficiency, renewable energy and advanced generation, natural gas infrastructure safety and integrity, energy-related environmental research, and transportation. These initiatives support the state’s energy policies and objectives, with several initiatives directly benefitting disadvantaged communities.
The proposed research funding for Fiscal Year 2020-21 is $24 million, and the budget plan covers July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021. The budget plan was informed by input from California stakeholders, research institutions, equipment manufacturers, and governmental partners.
CEC staff appreciates the coordination with CPUC on the proposed research initiatives. To support the successful advancement of the initiatives, CEC staff requests CPUC’s support in providing access to needed utility infrastructure data.