Monterey Bay Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan
Publication Number
April 18, 2022
Publication Year
Publication Division
Transportation Energy (600)
Clean Transportation Program
Contract Number
Richard Schorske
Authorized by Assembly Bill 118 and subsequent amendment under Assembly Bill 109, the California Energy Commission manages the Alternative Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program with an annual budget of about $100 million. Under the PON-10-602 solicitation, the California Energy Commission awarded a grant (ARV-11-003) to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to develop a regional plan to support plug-in electric vehicle readiness. The scope of the readiness plan included the Monterey Bay area. In executing the grant contract with the California Energy Commission, funding was available for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to execute a contract agreement with the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District to develop the Monterey Bay component of the readiness plan. The contract agreement term between Bay Area Air Quality Management District and Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District was from July 27, 2012, to May 15, 2014. The project final report discusses the project objectives, specific tasks performed by sub-contractors, conclusions and recommendations on the further development and sustainability of the project.