Forced Resonance Imaging for Buried Pipeline Detection
Publication Number
June 24, 2024
Publication Year
Publication Division
Energy Research and Development (500)
Gas Research and Development Program
Contract Number
Khosrow Bakhtar, PE, Ph.D.; Bakhtar Research and Engineering LLC
The goal of this agreement is to develop and demonstrate a non-invasive technology for detecting underground gas utility pipes, known as the Bakhtar Pipe Detector (BPD). The BPD enables underground gas pipeline detection, location, and material identification. The detector operates in near real time to determine underground pipeline location, dimensional details, material type, and depth independent of the characteristics of overlying geologic formations and surface cover. The technology benefits gas ratepayers by reducing potential excavation-induced damages to pipelines, enhancing operational safety in the field, and contributing to reliable and safe operations for delivering gas to ratepayers from buried pipelines. Evaluation of BPD performance in the field revealed the following measurement accuracies for buried pipeline: material (metallic/plastic) identification 100 percent, diameter 0 to 1 inch, depth 0 to 5 inches, and horizontal location 0 to 11 inches.