Event Date

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Location Name

Arthur Rosenfeld Hearing Room – First Floor

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The Presiding Member of the Clean Transportation Program Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) and staff of the California Energy Commission (CEC) will conduct a public meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Clean Transportation Program. Staff will present an overview of proposed allocations included in the staff draft of the 2020-2021 Investment Plan Update for the Clean Transportation Program. Input is sought from the Advisory Committee, stakeholders including the Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group, and the public regarding the proposed allocations and rationale. Commissioner and Presiding Member of the Advisory Committee, Patty Monahan, will attend. A quorum of Commissioners may attend, but no votes will be taken. 

The meeting will include teleconference participation by two Advisory Committee members. The teleconference locations, in addition to the CEC address, are:

Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy 
2021 Sperry Avenue, #9
Ventura, California 93003

Silicon Valley Leadership Group
2001 Gateway Place, #101E
San Jose, California 95110

Notice and Agenda



Warren-Alquist State Energy Building
1516 Ninth Street
First Floor, Art Rosenfeld Hearing Room
Sacramento, California 95814
(Wheelchair Accessible)