Event Date
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
01:30 PM
- 03:00 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Workshop
Add to CalendarCommissioner Karen Douglas, the California Energy Commission (CEC) lead commissioner for powerplant licensing, will host a remote-access workshop to explore potential technology options for increasing the efficiency and flexibility of the existing natural gas powerplant fleet to help meet near-term electric system reliability and the longer-term transition to renewable and zero-carbon resources. A quorum of CEC commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken. Commissioners from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) may also attend.
The workshop will be held remotely, consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 and the recommendations from the California Department of Public Health to encourage physical distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. The public will be able to participate in the workshop consistent with the direction in these Executive Orders. There will be opportunities for public comment. Instructions for remote participation via Zoom are below.
Afternoon Session: Finance and Governance
- Panel 3: will explore how the incremental improvements identified in earlier panels could be procured, assuming that the improvements are cost-effective compared to other potential generation or demand reduction alternatives. The panel will include representatives from the CPUC, investor-owned utilities, community choice aggregators, and the Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group, providing their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges to invest in the identified technology improvements. This panel will also explore the feasibility of different procurement options given the near-term timeframes under consideration and whether and how this procurement should occur.