In 2021, Assembly Bill (AB) 242 (Holden, Chapter 228, Statutes of 2021) was adopted to establish new deadlines for retail suppliers to post and provide their Power Content Labels to consumers. Shortly after, Senate Bill (SB) 1158 (Becker, Chapter 367, Statutes of 2022) was adopted requiring retail suppliers to report hourly loss-adjusted load and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data starting in 2028; the CEC is required to adopt regulations to implement these requirements by July 2024.
As a result of this new legislation, the Power Source Disclosure program will be responsible for the reporting of power sources and emissions at both the annual and hourly level. SB 1158 also provides that the California Public Utilities Commission and the governing boards of publicly owned utilities may use the hourly data to track progress toward GHG emissions reduction targets.
This proceeding is open to consider and adopt modifications to California Code of Regulations, title 20, sections 1390 et seq. to conform to the statutory changes enacted in AB 242 and SB 1158, and to make other modifications to the regulations that are necessary to clarify existing provisions and streamline reporting requirements.
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Power Source Disclosure Pre-Rulemaking