New Appliance Types Created in MAEDbS

Posted October 2, 2018

New computer appliance types for desktop computers, thin clients, and mobile gaming systems (DESK) and notebook computers and portable all-in-ones (NOTE) are available for certification to MAEDbS.

New computer appliance types for computer monitors (MONI) and medical computer monitors (MEDC) are available for certification to MAEDbS.

While certification for these appliance types did not become mandatory until January 1, 2019, certifiers could select voluntary for the regulation status before that date. Approved model numbers were displayed in the approved database and then were automatically certified as compliant to the non-federally regulated status on January 1, 2019. The instruction packets on how to certify these products are located under computers on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted October 3, 2023
Consistent with adoption by US DOE of a federal test procedure for televisions, a new appliance type has been created for “federally tested televisions”. This allows manufacturers to certify model data resulting from the new federal test procedure. Televisions not subject to federal testing, including signage displays, will be required to use the adopted California test procedure in certifying model data to the Energy Commission. For more information, please see the regulatory advisory that was posted for this topic.

Posted June 13, 2018
A new electronics appliance type for federally regulated battery chargers [FERB] is available for certification to MAEDbS. The instruction packet on how to certify this appliance type is located under electronics on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted January 20, 2021
New general pumps appliance type for pumps (PUMP) is available for certification to MAEDbS.

The instruction packet on how to certify these products is located under general pumps on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

A new motor and compressor products appliance type for compressors (CMPR) is available for certification in MAEDbS.

While certification for these appliance types did not become mandatory until January 1, 2022, certifiers could select voluntary for the regulation status before that date. Approved model numbers were displayed in the approved database and then were automatically certified as compliant to the non-federally regulated status on January 1, 2022. The instruction packets on how to certify these products are located under motor and compressor products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted January 24, 2020

A new noncentral air conditioner and heat pumps appliance type for portable air conditioners (PAC) is available for certification to MAEDbS. The instruction packet on how to certify this product is located under noncentral air conditioner and heat pumps on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted July 19, 2021
Two new pool product appliance types for federally regulated Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pumps (DPPP) and for state regulated Replacement Dedicated-Purpose Pool Pump Motors (RDPPPM) are available for certification to MAEDbS. The instruction packets on how to certify these appliance types are located under pool products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted November 12, 2019
A new refrigeration product appliance type for miscellaneous refrigeration products (MISC) is available for certification to MAEDbS.

Before submitting data, please review the definitions for non-commercial refrigerators and miscellaneous refrigeration products carefully to ensure certification under the correct appliance type. For example, a cooler or combination cooler should be certified as a miscellaneous refrigeration product, and a chest freezer should be certified as a non-commercial refrigerator.

Posted August 1, 2019
New refrigeration appliance types for walk-in cooler/freezer doors (DOOR) and walk-in cooler/freezer panels (PANL) are available for certification to MAEDbS.

The instruction packets on how to certify these products are located under refrigeration products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted February 7, 2019

Certifications for water heaters must now use one of the following new appliance types: residential water heaters (WACS), commercial water heaters (WANS), or residential-duty commercial water heaters (WARS). Water heaters regulated under 42 U.S.C. section 6295(e)(1), including booster heaters, storage water heaters less than 20 gallons, and hot water dispensers, must use the residential water heater appliance type.

Test labs are required to submit a new test lab application for these new water heater appliance types.

Residential water heaters and residential-duty commercial water heaters test method: 10 C.F.R. section 430.23(e) (Appendix E to subpart B of part 430).

Commercial water heaters test methods: 10 C.F.R. section 431.106.

The instruction packets on how to certify these products are located under water heater products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Certification Updates

Posted December 16, 2024
This is a notice to clarify that electric residential cooking products other than microwave ovens are not currently required to be certified to MAEDbS. This includes products such as electric cooking tops and electric ovens. Currently, the only residential cooking products (RSCK) that are required to be certified are microwave ovens and gas cooking products. These have existing federal performance/design standards in place.

The Ceiling Fans (CLFN) data submittal template has been updated to allow for better certification of large diameter fan models. The instruction packet on how to certify this product is located under Fans and Dehumidifiers on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted October 3, 2023
All portable luminaire models in MAEDbS have been moved to the archived database because portable luminaires are no longer regulated under the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations. This change was included in rulemaking 22-AAER-02, which became effective on April 25, 2023. Portable luminaires no longer have to comply with Title 20 or be certified to MAEDbS in order to be sold or offered for sale in California. As a result, all portable luminaire models have been archived for historical purposes and new certifications are no longer allowed. For more information about this rulemaking, please visit the Repeal of Portable Luminaires rulemaking webpage.

Posted July 13, 2021
The Emergency Lighting (EMLT) template and data submittal instructions have been updated to remove multiple fields and change the caption of “Power Input” to “Power Input Demand”. These changes were included in rulemaking 20-AAER-01, which became effective on March 16, 2021. 

Posted April 13, 2021
All lighting controls in MAEDbS have been moved to the archived database because self-contained lighting controls are no longer regulated under the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations. This change was included in rulemaking 20-AAER-01, which became effective on March 16, 2021. Lighting controls no longer have to comply with Title 20 or be certified to MAEDbS in order to be sold or offered for sale in California. As a result, all lighting control models have been archived for historical purposes and new certifications are no longer allowed. 

Posted August 13, 2019
The 2016 JA8 High Efficacy Lighting (JEFF) submission template and instruction packet is updated to include changes made in the 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This update includes 2019 additions to product type and connection type tables and a boolean flag for Title 20 certification. This single list covers both the 2016 and 2019 editions of JA8. Products certified under the 2016 will remain on this list and do not need to be re-tested or re-certified.

The instruction packet on how to certify this product is located under lighting products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted July 13, 2021
The Evaporative Coolers (EVAP) template and data submittal instructions have been updated. The field “ECER” is no longer required when certifying this appliance type. This change was included in rulemaking 20-AAER-01, which became effective on March 16, 2021. 

Posted March 4, 2019
The plumbing fittings (PLFT) data submittal template has been updated to allow for certification of spray valve models that meet the recent federal standards, that became effective January 28, 2019. The instruction packet on how to certify this product is located under plumbing products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted October 18, 2018
Instructions and the online data upload template for portable electric spas (ESPA) have been updated to reflect recent data reporting changes. Details regarding the field reporting changes can be found in Table X of Section 1606 within the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations. The instruction packet on how to certify this product is located under pool products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.

Posted February 28, 2019
The refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machines (RFBV) data submittal template has been updated to allow for certification of models that meet federal standards, that became effective January 8, 2019. The instruction packet on how to certify this product is located under refrigeration products on the Certification Packets for Appliances webpage.


Appliance Efficiency Program
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Appliance Efficiency Standards