The following agencies have adopted energy ordinances requiring more stringent energy requirements than those set by California’s Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6). Application materials received from local jurisdictions can be found on the online docket log. To view documents associated with each ordinance, visit the Docket Log (22-BTSD-07) and search for the jurisdiction to locate the associated files. 

Local OrdinancesDate
City of San Jose3/13/2024Source energy compliance margins for Nonresidential, Hotel/Motel, and Single-family Residential buildings.30950
City of San Luis Obispo12/13/2023Source energy compliance margins for Nonresidential, Single-family, and Multifamily buildings.1730
City of Santa ClaraJuly 26, 2023Solar photovoltaic (PV) on new Nonresidential, High-rise Residential and Hotel/Motel buildings.2056
City of Santa Cruz5/8/2024Source energy compliance margins for Nonresidential, Single-family, and Multifamily buildings.2023-12
EncinitasJanuary 25, 2023Residential retrofit efficiency improvements, and solar photovoltaic (PV) for High-rise and Nonresidential additions.2022-13
GlendaleApril 12, 2023Solar photovoltaic (PV) for High-rise Residential, Nonresidential, Multifamily and Hotel/Motel buildings.5999
Los Angeles CountyJune 16, 2023Cool roofing requirements for Residential and Nonresidential buildings including some additions and alterations.2022-0056
Marin CountyApril 12, 2023Efficiency improvements for both new and renovated Single-Family, Multifamily, Hotel/Motel and Nonresidential buildings.3776
Menlo ParkApril 12, 2023Solar photovoltaic (PV) for Low-rise  and High-rise Multifamily buildings,  Hotel/Motel Occupancies, and Nonresidential buildings1093
PiedmontJanuary 25, 2023All-electric Single-family new construction, Residential retrofit efficiency improvements, solar photovoltaic (PV) for some additions.766 N.S.
Solana BeachJune 16, 2023Solar photovoltaic (PV) on new nonresidential, high-rise residential and motel/hotel buildingSolar photovoltaic (PV) on new Nonresidential, High-rise Residential and Hotel/Motel buildings.528
Town of San Anselmo3/13/2024Efficiency improvements for Single-family and Two-family additions and alterations greater than or equal to 750-ft2.1181


Local jurisdictions wishing to enforce locally adopted energy standards must submit an application addressed to the California Energy Commission (CEC) executive director. The application must contain the following documents:

  1. The proposed energy standards (signed and dated adopted ordinance), 
  2. The local jurisdiction’s findings and supporting analyses on the energy savings and cost-effectiveness of the proposed energy standards,
  3. A statement or finding by the local jurisdiction that the local energy standards will require buildings to be designed to consume no more energy than permitted by Title 24, Part 6, and 
  4. Any findings, determinations, declarations or reports, including any negative declaration or environmental impact report, required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.

Questions and complete applications should be submitted to the CEC via email to Anushka Raut.

California Statewide Codes & Standards Program
The California Statewide Codes & Standards Program provides cost-effectiveness studies to assist local jurisdictions in considering ordinances that reach beyond the mandatory requirements of the Energy Code.  

BayREN Codes & Standards Program Reach Codes
The BayREN Codes & Standards Program is a joint effort of the Bay Area cities and counties to increase compliance with the California Energy Code and local ordinance development.

3C-REN Reach Code Support
Tri-County Regional Energy Network (3C-REN) supports San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties to deliver energy-saving programs and industry trainings that help reduce energy use, strengthen local job markets, and support efforts to achieve climate goals.


Energy Code Hotline Submission Form
Anushka Raut