Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP)
Assembly Bill 841 (Ting, Chapter 372, Statutes of 2020) requires that electric vehicle chargers and equipment funded by the CEC or California Air Resources Board be installed by a contractor with an appropriate license classification, and at least one electrician on each crew must hold an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) certification. For projects installing charging ports supplying 25 kilowatts or more, at least 25 percent of the electricians working on the crew must hold EVITP certification. These rules apply to customer-side infrastructure funded by certain agencies listed in the legislation. There are certain exceptions to this requirement. See legislative language for rules and exceptions. Generally, the requirements can be found in the legislation starting at “SEC. 4. Section 740.20 is added to the Public Utilities Code…” However, contractors and installers should review the entire rules to determine requirements for specific sites.
EVITP is a nonprofit organization that trains electricians in the electric vehicle infrastructure space in the United States and Canada. Training includes site assessment, load calculations, National Electric Code, jobsite safety, personal protection equipment, and other installation and maintenance best practices. As of June 2024, EVITP costs $275 and takes approximately 20 hours to complete. After successfully completing the online training course, electricians are certified through a proctored online examination. EVITP does not train or certify contractors or employers, only eligible electricians. EVITP certification is valid for three years.
Getting started with EVITP
Clean Transportation Program Workforce Development
The CEC’s Clean Transportation Program has funded multiple projects to develop the workforce needed for zero-emission vehicles and the associated charging and refueling infrastructure. For more information, see Clean Transportation Funding Areas: Workforce Development.
- An interagency agreement between the CEC and the Employment Training Panel to provide funding reimbursement to electrical apprenticeship programs, electrical employers, electric vehicle charger companies, community colleges, and other stakeholders for EVITP training and certification. Expected launch August/September 2024.
- Under the CEC’s Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, Accessible, and Local (IDEAL) ZEV Workforce Pilot Project, Kern Community College District’s project prepares electricians for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program certification.
- Under the CEC’s Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, Accessible, and Local (IDEAL) ZEV Workforce Pilot Projects, the County of Los Angeles’s project trains municipal electricians on electric vehicle charger installation, operation, and service including preparation for EVITP certification. More information is available at the County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department EV infrastructure resources website.
The CEC is interested in the experiences of stakeholders including, but not limited to, contractors, site hosts, grant recipients, and equity groups regarding both CEC−funded training programs and external programs such as EVITP. Comments and inquiries can be submitted to FTDWorkforce@energy.ca.gov. Please contact us if you need assistance locating an EVITP certified electrician.