Important Notice
CalCERTS, Inc. voluntarily decertified as a HERS Provider on August 2, 2024. CalCERTS will no longer train or oversee raters and has ceased all document registrations. The CalCERTS registry is closed, meaning projects and documents are no longer available on that platform.
CHEERS remains a certified HERS Provider and offers guidance on how projects may be re-initiated on its registry. To connect, email
To continue code enforcement activities, documentation workflows must be reestablished on the CHEERS registry. Previously submitted certificates do not need to be re-submitted.
CalCERTS-certified raters that are not certified by CHEERS must obtain certification before using the CHEERS registry.
The CEC released an advisement offering direction on the following topics:
- Continued Program Support
- Enforcement using documents from multiple registries
- Certifying CalCERTS raters with CHEERS
- Transferring Projects to CHEERS
- 2022 Energy Code Low-Rise Multifamily Compliance
To apply to become a HERS Provider under the 2022 Energy Code, please visit the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Provider Application Submittal page.
HERS Providers listed below were approved by the CEC to offer specific services, as described.
Approved HERS Providers
California Home Energy Efficiency Rating Services (CHEERS)
HERS Program Provider Approval
CHEERS may certify and oversee raters that conduct field verification and diagnostic testing to demonstrate 2022 Energy Code compliance for projects in:
- Newly constructed single-family and low-rise* multifamily (LRMF) homes.
- Additions to existing single-family and LRMF buildings.
- Alterations of single-family and LRMF homes.
- Efficiency measures in dwelling units and mechanical systems in nonresidential buildings.
* Low-rise means having fewer than four habitable floors.
Title 24 Residential Data Registry Approval
CHEERS operates a residential data registry for generating Energy Code compliance documentation as listed in the 2022 Data Registry Requirements Manual, Appendix A. Exclusions:
- LRMF certificates of compliance (LMCC) for prescriptive new construction, additions, and alterations, plus the associated certificate of installation (LMCI) for prescriptive new construction mechanical systems.
- Prescriptive certificates that could be indicated on the performance LMCC are unavailable through the CHEERS registry, but are available from the CEC and other sources.
CHEERS was previously approved to register compliance documents under the 2013, 2016, and 2019 Energy Code versions. Projects permitted under these code cycles may continue to use the CHEERS registry for submissions to enforcement agencies.