YearBill No.
Bill NameSummary of DirectivesImplementation Status
2024AB 551
Public Utilities CommissionClarifies that any CPUC amendments to its CEQA guidelines may move forward through a standard CPUC public process without the additional formal Administrative Procedures Act process.

Prohibits court challenges to a notice of proposed construction for any projects exempt from the CPCN requirement unless a rehearing request is filed with the CPUC within 10 days. The CPUC must issue a decision and order on rehearing within 90 days after the filing of such a request.
Self-executing and currently in effect
2024AB 2292
Electrical transmission facilities: certificates of public convenience and necessityRepeals the requirement for the CPUC to consider certain cost-effective alternatives to transmission facilities in considering CPCN applications.Self-executing and currently in effect
2024SB 1006
Electricity: transmission capacity: reconductoring and grid-enhancing technologiesRequires participating transmission owners (TOs) to prepare and submit to the CAISO:

1. A feasibility study of projects using grid-enhancing technologies. Due January 1, 2026, and every 2 years thereafter;

2. A study of transmission lines that can be reconductored with advanced conductors. Due  January 1, 2026, and every 4 years thereafter.
Grid-enhancing technologies feasibility study due by January 1, 2026 and every two years thereafter.

Advanced conductor reconductoring study due by January 1, 2026 and every four years thereafter
2024AB 3264
Energy: cost framework: residential rates: demand-side management programs report: electrical transmission grid studyAmong many other provisions, requires the CPUC, in consultation with the CEC, California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank), and CAISO, to prepare a study identifying proposals to reduce the ratepayer costs of expanding the state’s transmission grid. Due to the Governor and Legislature by July 1, 2025.Study due July 1, 2025
2024AB 2779
Independent System Operator: transmission planningRequires the CAISO, upon approval of each transmission plan, to report to the CPUC and the Legislature any new use of grid enhancing technology (GET) deemed reasonable by the CAISO in the plan, and the cost and efficiency savings of the GET.Self-executing and currently in effect
2023AB 1373
EnergyThe CPUC must establish rebuttable presumption of need for specified transmission projects.Self-executing and currently in effect
2023AB 585
Climate change: Infrastructure and clean energy projects: assessmentsGO-Biz, in consultation with the CARB, CEC and CPUC, must assess the barriers, challenges, and impediments limiting the deployment of clean energy projects.Assessment due January 2026
2023AB 585
Climate change: Infrastructure and clean energy projects: assessmentsCCST may assess the infrastructure project types, scale, and pace necessary to achieve the state’s energy, climate change, and air quality goals.Assessment every three years, at CCST discretion
2023SB 149
California Environmental Quality Act: administrative and judicial procedures: record of proceedings: judicial streamlining

Expedites judicial review to no longer than 270 days for infrastructure projects designated by the Governor as environmental leadership projects through January 1, 2032. 

Clarifies contents of the administrative record for all CEQA proceedings to ensure only substantive communications are included, consistent with existing law, to be narrowly construed to ensure CEQA transparency is maximized.

2023SB 319
Electricity: transmission planning and permittingThe CEC, CPUC, and California ISO must jointly develop, on or before July 1, 2025, a transmission infrastructure development guidebook that describes the transmission planning and permitting processes.

Guidebook due July 1, 2025

CEC Docket: 23-SB-319

2023SB 319
Electricity: transmission planning and permittingThe CPUC, in consultation with California balancing authorities, on or before December 1, 2024, and biennially thereafter, to submit a report to the Legislature that includes specified information related to electrical transmission projects.

Due December 1, 2024, and biennially thereafter

2023SB 319
Electricity: transmission planning and permittingThe CEC, CPUC, and California ISO must review the MOU regarding Transmission and Resource Planning and Implementation.Review every five years
2023SB 49
Renewable energy: Department of Transportation: evaluationCaltrans in coordination with the CEC and CPUC must evaluate impediments to the development of renewable energy generation facilities, energy storage facilities, and electrical transmission and distribution facilities, as specified on Caltrans rights-of-ways, on or before December 31, 2025.Due December 31, 2025
2022SB 205
Budget Bill
EnergyEstablishes an Opt-In certifications process at the CEC through June 30, 2029, for clean energy projects, as specified, and any transmission from the facility to the first point of interconnection to the transmission system. The CEC is the lead agency under CEQA and must take final action on an Opt-In application within 270 day of being deemed complete.Implemented
2022SB 1174
Electricity: eligible renewable energy or energy storage resources: transmission and interconnectionRequires that investor-owned utilities report to the CPUC on changes to previously reported in-service dates of transmission and interconnection facilities and the reasons for any changes to the status of in-service dates.

Requires that the CPUC’s annual report on the Renewables Portfolio Standard program include a systemwide assessment of delays to interconnection or transmission approvals for eligible renewable energy resources or energy storage resources.
Annual report
2022SB 529
Electricity: electrical transmission facilitiesRequires the CPUC to update General Order (GO 131 D) to authorize each electrical corporation to use the permit-to-construct process or claim an exemption to seek approval to construct an extension, expansion, upgrade, or other modification to its existing electrical transmission facilities.Implemented

Further review in progress in CPUC proceeding R2305018
2022SB 887
Electricity: transmission facility planningExpands the CEC electricity demand and CPUC resource portfolios to 15 years forecasts to inform California ISO transmission plans and requires the CPUC to request that the California ISO identify high priority transmission projects for delivering renewable and zero-carbon resources into load centers.Implemented
2021AB 242
Public utilitiesRequires the CPUC by February 1, 2023, and biennially thereafter, to report on the progress made toward modernizing the state's distribution and transmission grid and the impacts of distributed energy resources on it.Biennial report


Siting, Transmission, and Environmental Protection Division