International Agreements
Signed: December 10, 2014
Term: 2 Year
This Letter of Intent to Cooperate on Electric Drive Vehicles between the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Government of Québec’s Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, and the Fight Against Climate Change, was signed on December 10, 2014, in Lima, Peru. It indicates the Parties will cooperate, over a period of two years, to accelerate the deployment of electric drive vehicles. Additionally, states the intent of the Parties to establish a working group of staff members who will exchange information and consult on best practices. The letter also mentions the close collaboration between California and Québec, as a result of linking their greenhouse gas cap-and-trade programs, as well as the ongoing coordination on policy and implementation of those programs, between the California Air Resources Board and the Government of Québec (Agreements dated September 25 and 27, 2013).
Signed: September 24, 2010
Term: 5 Year
This Memorandum of Understanding is a cooperative agreement between Chile’s Ministry of Energy, the California Air Resources Board, and the California Energy Commission, and focuses on the development of specific programs of technical cooperation to limit the increase of greenhouse gas emissions, stimulate renewable power generation, expand energy efficiency, and support sustainable uses of energy.
Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China - PDF
Signed: October 28, 2019
Term: 4 Years
The State of California and the Province of Jiangsu have long enjoyed cooperation and partnership – particularly in the areas of cultural exchange and friendship. In 2011, Jiangsu and California established a sister state-province relationship, and more recently in 2017, the two sides agreed to work collaboratively to facilitate cooperation on research, innovation, and investment aimed at advancing the development of low-carbon energy resources and clean technologies. This MOU was signed by Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis and Vice Governor Wang Jiang during the 5th meeting of the California-Jiangsu Joint Economic Committee. During the meeting, the two sides recapped the exchanges and cooperation that have been implemented in the sectors of economy and trade, science and technology, education, environmental protection, and culture since the inception of the sister-state relationship. Further, the two sides agreed to deepen their relationship by prioritizing cooperation in the following areas: high-profile exchange and visits; economy and trade; biotechnology and medical devices; scientific and technological innovation; climate change and environmental protection; educational exchanges; and cultural exchange.
Cooperation on California-Shenzhen Clean Tech Innovation Center - PDF
Signed: November 2, 2017
Term: 3 years
This MOU establishes the fundamental framework for cooperation and the establishment of the Shenzhen-California Clean Tech Innovation Center in order to strengthen exchange and cooperation in clean-tech development and the acceleration of mutually beneficial clean technologies.
Municipality of Shenzhen - PDF
Signed: November 2, 2017
Term: 3 Years
In order to further the goals of previous agreements signed between the Parties - specifically the Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Emissions Trading Systems, June 2013, and the Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Low Carbon Development, September 2015 - this MOU addresses the global issue of climate change and seeks to enhance cooperation on low-carbon and clean technology innovation in an effort to accelerate low-carbon development. The Parties agree to cooperate and communicate on matters of research, innovation, and commercialization, with key areas of focus related to emissions trading systems; new-energy vehicle technologies; the reduction of air pollutants and carbon emissions from ports; smart grid, distributed energy production, and energy efficiency; and environmental protection technologies, including pollution mitigation, waste water treatment, and solid waste management technologies.
Jiangsu Science and Technology Department - PDF
Signed: November 1, 2017
Term: 3 years
In furtherance of the California-Jiangsu Clean Technology Partnership established in Nanjing on June 5, 2017, this MOU is the expression of the parties to focus resources on developing the mutually beneficial low-carbon and clean technology innovation categories identified in this Coordinated Joint Investment Plan.
As listed, the categories include:
- Building & Transportation Energy Efficiency
- Renewable Energy
- Grid Modernization & Information Technology
- Energy Storage
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development - PDF
Signed: October 13, 2017
Term: 3 years
This MOU is focused on enhancing cooperation on Green Building and Low-Carbon Urban Development. It establishes a fundamental framework for the Parties to exchange technical expertise, academic resources, policy design and planning, and unique sustainable and green urban development opportunities based on principles of equality and mutual benefit.
China Huadian Green Energy Corporation - PDF
Signed: June 9, 2017
Term: 5 years
The objective of this MOU is to encourage future collaboration on energy storage between the Participants on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Areas of mutual interest and potential cooperation include:
- Energy Storage
- Energy Efficiency
- Demand-Side Management
- Renewable Energy Development
- Integrated Resource Planning
Haidian District of Beijing - PDF
Signed: June 7, 2017
Term: 5 years
This MOU establishes the Clean Technology Innovation Partnership between the Haidian District of Beijing and the California Energy Commission in an effort to facilitate cooperation on research, innovation, and investment in low-carbon development and clean energy resources.
Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau - PDF
Signed: June 7, 2016
Term: 4 Years
This is the most recent version of the MOU on Environmental Cooperation between the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau. It renews and strengthens the cooperative relationship established through previous MOUs in 2005 and 2013. The focus of the agreement is to promote cooperation and collaboration in science, technology, and policies in the field of environmental protection. The main areas of cooperation and common interest include environmental management legislation, policy and regulation; air quality management; water management and services; solid waste management and recycling; capacity building; and public education.
National Ministry of Science and Technology - PDF
Signed: June 6, 2017
Term: 5 years
This MOU was signed during Governor Brown’s visit to China and the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) in 2017. This MOU set the foundation for additional MOUs at the Provincial level in order to advance cooperation on innovation and technology – specifically technology and innovation aimed at advancing mutually beneficial low-carbon and sustainable, renewable energy development.
Signed: June 5, 2017
Term: 5 Years
This MOU was signed in Nanjing, during Governor Brown’s visit to China for the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) and the second meeting of the Under2 Coalition. It states the intent of the Parties to facilitate cooperation on research, innovation, and investment in low-carbon development and clean energy resources. Cooperation between the Participants is based on a mutual understanding of shared issues and concerns as they relate to research, innovation, and commercialization of clean technologies. To achieve their objectives, the Participants agree to develop the California-Jiangsu Clean Technology Partnership, which will provide a mechanism for cooperation. Areas of cooperation include, but are not limited to, clean energy technologies; greenhouse gas emission and air pollution reduction programs; environmental protection technologies; and information technologies and techniques.
Signed: June 4, 2017
Term: 5 years
This MOU establishes a Friendship Province/State Relationship and is a follow up to a similar MOU, signed previously in Seattle, Washington, on September 20, 2015, which promoted practical cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, science, education, smart cities, and culture and tourism. This MOU indicates the commitment of both Parties to maintain regular intergovernmental engagement through ongoing exchange of personnel, culture, and ideas. Additionally, this MOU states the intent of both Parties to strengthen cooperation in low carbon technologies, environmental protection, and clean energy development through the establishment of the California-Sichuan Clean Energy Partnership.
Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform - PDF
Signed: June 7, 2016
Term: 3 years
The purpose of this MOU is to commit to agreement of the U.S.-China Joint Statement on Climate Change, and to promote the long-term transformation to a low-carbon, livable, ecological, and environmentally protected society.
Areas of cooperation include:
- Sharing information on low-carbon policies and standards
- Low-carbon planning and technical means
- Promoting the development of clean and sustainable energy and smart grid
- Establishing and developing carbon emission trading
- Advancing low-carbon transportation and relative technology, etc.
National Ministry of Environmental Protection - PDF
Signed: October 26, 2015
Term: No Expiration
Signed in San Francisco, on October 26, 2015, this Agreement between China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection and the State of California aimed to enhance cooperation on reducing air pollution, and served as a framework for cooperation in areas of mutual interest. Areas of focus included capacity building as well as facilities cooperation and trade in environmental-friendly technologies.
Signed: September 22, 2015
Term: 3 Years
This Memorandum of Understanding establishes a relationship of friendly cooperation between Sichuan Province and the State of California. It was signed alongside the US-China Governors’ Forum in Seattle Washington in 2015, and includes, among other key areas of focus, the Parties’ intention to strengthen cooperation in the areas of clean energy and environmental protection. Additionally, this MOU contains Sichuan’s intent to support the subnational climate initiative and low carbon actions led by the State of California (Under2 MOU).
National Development and Reform Commission - PDF
Signed: September 15, 2015
Term: 4 years
This MOU aims to further strengthen and coordinate efforts to combat global climate change, promote clean and efficient energy, and support low-carbon development, while protecting public health, the environment, and natural resources. A few areas of cooperation listed include:
- Activities to mitigate carbon emissions
- Implementing controls on carbon, methane, and other gases with high global warming potential
- Activities to implement carbon emissions trading systems and other market-based instruments
- Activities that reduce energy consumption
- Increasing electrified transportation
- Supporting new and expanded markets for clean and efficient energy technologies
- Activities that support subnational climate change leadership on low-carbon development
Municipality of Shenzhen - PDF
Signed: September 15, 2015
Term: 2 Year
This Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Low Carbon Development between the Shenzhen Municipal Government and the State of California builds on two prior agreements – the Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and Environment, signed at the national levels in 2009, and a 2013 agreement between the two Participants, which focused on Emissions Trading Systems. The purpose of this agreement is to further support efforts by the Participants to address the global issue of climate change and achieve their low carbon development goals. This agreement established a fundamental framework for the Participants to carry out pragmatic exchange and cooperation based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit. Areas of cooperation include, but are not limited to, undertaking mutual efforts to implement climate change policies, particularly those that promote energy savings and the reduction of toxic pollutant emissions; promoting the exchange and cooperation on low carbon and smart cities; continued cooperation and engagement on emissions trading systems; the promotion of new energy vehicles; and cooperation to reduce air pollutants and carbon emissions from ports.
Signed: August 5, 2015
Term: 2 Year
Using the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Enhance Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and Environment signed by the Government of China and the Government of the United States of America in July 2009, as well as a previous MOU signed by the Participants (Guangdong and California) in 2013, this more recent MOU seeks to support the efforts of the Participants to achieve their low carbon development goals through the establishment of a fundamental framework to carry out pragmatic exchange and cooperation based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit. Areas of cooperation include, but are not limited to, the following: formulating low carbon economic development plans; increasing energy conservation and energy efficiency of traditional industrial sectors; expanding clean, renewable energy, supporting low carbon technology research, development and transfer; enabling low carbon, sustainable transportation; supporting the cooperation on electric system planning, renewable energy integration, and the efficient use of energy in new and existing buildings; and promoting low carbon, sustainable agriculture, forestry, and waste handling.
Signed: September 21, 2014
Term: 5 years
This sister-state MOU builds on the MOU signed between the State of California and Guangdong Province on April 15, 2013, and based on the principle of equality and mutual benefits, both State and Province agree to proactively push for the growth of two-way trade and investment. Additionally, this MOU declares a joint commitment to concrete initiatives in areas including, but not limited to, science and technological innovation, low-carbon development, environmental conservation, clean energy, education, training, tourism, and cultural exchange.
National Development and Reform Commission - PDF
Signed: September 13, 2013
Term: 2 Year
The Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Low Carbon Development between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China and the State of California is a commitment by both Parties to strengthen and coordinate efforts to combat global climate change, promote clean and efficient energy, and support low carbon development, while protecting public health, the environment, and natural resources.
Municipality of Chongqing - PDF
Signed: April 16, 2013
Term: 1 Year
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Foster Cooperation on Trade and Investment Promotion is entered into by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development in the State of California, the Municipality of Chongqing’s Foreign Trade & Economic Relations Commission, and the City of Sacramento’s Economic Development Department in an effort to strengthen and coordinate subnational efforts to expand mutually beneficial international trade, investment, and sustained economic growth. The MOU provides a framework for cooperation to facilitate collaboration and support communication and coordination on business development activities utilizing shared resources in China and California.
Shanghai Administration Committee of Zhangjiang High-Tech Park - PDF
Signed: April 12, 2013
Term: 3 Year
In April 2013, during a high-level California trade mission to China, Kish Rajan, Director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), signed this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mr. Cao Zhengquan, Executive Director of the Administration Committee of Zangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone. Based on the principle of equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation, the MOU focused on building strategic collaboration between the Parties to promote the development of the high-tech industries in both regions (China and California).
National Ministry of Environmental Protection - PDF
Signed: April 10, 2013
Term: 2 Year
This Agreement to enhance cooperation on reducing air pollution was entered into by the State of California and China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection in order to strengthen and coordinate efforts to improve air quality and protect public health, promote clean and efficient energy, protect the environment and natural resources, and support sustained economic growth. It provided a framework for cooperation between the Parties and facilitated collaboration in areas of mutual interest. Additionally, it aimed to support capacity building to reduce air pollution and to facilitate cooperation and trade in environment-friendly technologies.
Beijing Ministry of Environmental Protection - PDF
Signed: April 10, 2013
Term: 3 Year
The intent of this Memorandum of Understanding on Environment Cooperation between the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau is to renew and strengthen the existing cooperative relationship between the signatories, and build on an MOU signed in 2005, that aimed to promote the cooperation and collaboration on sciences, technologies, and policies in the field of environmental protection. This MOU states that both signatories will carry out cooperation in the areas of environmental protection on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and defines the main areas of interaction and common interest to include, but not be limited to, the following: air quality management; water technologies and services; solid waste management and recycling; capacity building; and public education.
The Government of Denmark - PDF
MOU Extension - PDF
Signed: November 2, 2020
Term: 26 Months
Denmark has experience and history in developing offshore wind energy facilities and California is exploring the feasibility, potential impacts, and appropriate offshore locations for wind facilities. The objective of this MOU is to share knowledge, experiences, data, and best practices relevant to the development of offshore wind energy. This MOU has been extended until December 31, 2022.
The Government of the Kingdom of Denmark - PDF
Signed: October 2, 2019
Term: 3 Years
The objective of this MOU is to promote a mutually beneficial relationship between the participants in the field of energy efficiency, with a view to sharing knowledge, experiences, data and best practices relevant to energy efficiency challenges. Specific priorities of cooperation include sharing knowledge and solutions of joint interest within energy efficiency across industrial sectors – with particular focus on energy intensive industries – and identifying the challenges and effective solutions associated with energy efficiency in residential buildings, including sharing best practices to meet new performance standards and exchanging ideas for regulatory, as well as market-based approaches to stimulate the adoption of new technology in existing and new housing units.
Signed: March 28, 2014
Term: 5 years
The objective of this MOU is to explore potential future collaboration among the Participants in the field of energy sector planning form various perspectives, including but not limited to providing energy access to all, ensuring affordability, enhancing energy security, and meeting environmental goals.
New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization - PDF
Signed: October 14, 2014
Term: 1 Year
This Letter of Intent laid the groundwork for a Feasibility Study, between Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization and the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, on a Demonstration Project focused on Electric Vehicles Driving Behavior in California.
Signed: September 5, 2014
Term: 2 Year
This Memorandum of Cooperation between the Government of Japan and the State of California expresses shared concern about the threat of climate change and the intention to coordinate strengthen and coordinate efforts to combat it through the promotion of dialogue and joint projects focused on mitigation and adaptation. Furthermore, the signatories agree to work together to address short-lived climate pollutants and the development of cleaner freight transport. The areas of cooperation include, but are not limited to, renewable energy development; energy storage; cooperation on best practices, regulatory requirements, research, incentives, and other measures to accelerate the ongoing rollout of zero emission vehicles and DC fast chargers; and possible cooperation on a demonstration project on the effectiveness of DC fast charging and enhanced EV use.
National Energy Commission - PDF
Signed: May 17, 2012
Term Ended: 4 Year
This Memorandum of Understanding was entered into between the California Energy Commission and the Energy Commission of Malaysia in an effort to foster a favorable relationship of partnership and cooperation to promote and advance demand-side management, energy efficiency programs, integrated resources planning, and effective electricity regulation through collaboration in research and information exchange on policies and programs.
Secretariat of the Environment of Mexico City of the United Mexican State - PDF
Signed: October 2, 2019
Term: 2 Years
This Memorandum of Understanding, between the Secretariat of the Environment of Mexico City of the United Mexican States (SEDEMA), and the Government of the State of California – specifically the California Environmental Protection Agency and the California Energy Commission – aims to expand cooperation between in the areas of energy and environmental policies and practices. Specific areas of cooperation include energy efficiency; emissions monitoring, reporting, verification, and enforcement; clean energy technology; air quality; and waste stream efficiency. Further, the participants agree to promote scientific and technological collaboration for business development in emerging key sectors, promote joint research and development efforts amongst research and academic institutions, and organize joint symposia, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and trainings.
State of Jalisco, Mexico - PDF
Signed: August 30, 2016
Term: 2 Year
The State of Jalisco and the California Energy Commission entered into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in an effort to address the challenges and risks posed by climate change through cooperation on clean energy policies and programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emission and accelerating the transition to low-carbon energy resources. All engagement was based on equality and mutual benefit, and focused on the following areas of cooperation: energy efficiency, demand-side management, renewable energy development and grid integration, integrated resource planning, grid operation and management, low and zero-emission vehicles, and clean energy technology.
National Ministry of Energy - PDF
Signed: July 29, 2014
Term: 5 years
The objective of the MOU for Cooperation in Clean Energies between the California Energy Commission and Mexico’s Ministry of Energy is to encourage and promote technical, bilateral cooperation and joint implementation of programs and activities in the fields of low-carbon energy, clean technologies, biofuels, and energy efficiency. All cooperation will take place on the basis of mutual benefit, equality, and reciprocity in a manner than incorporates best practices and lessons learned while boosting economic development in both regions and enhancing diversity, reliability, and affordability of energy supplies.
Signed: July 29, 2014
Term: 2 Year
The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding between the State of California and Mexico’s Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Public Education, and National Council for Science and Technology, was to establish a general basis for engagement and to define a mechanism for collaboration on the development and execution of activities and cooperation in the fields of education, research, and scholarly activities.
National Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources & National Forestry Commission - PDF
Signed: July 28, 2014
Term: 4 Year
This Memorandum of Understanding between the State of California and Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and its National Forestry Commission aimed to promote and carry out cooperative activities related to environmental issues on the basis of equality, reciprocity, information exchange, and mutual benefit. The areas of cooperation included climate change, human and environmental health, air quality, wildfires, and transportation.
State of Baja California, Mexico - PDF
Signed: September 28, 2012
Term: 5 Year
This Action Plan came into effect on September 30, 2012, and is a direct result of the Memorandum of Cooperation on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, signed on June 24, 2004, between Mexico’s Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board, and the Secretariat of Environmental Protection for the State of Baja California. The Action Plan lists the activities and accomplishments achieved to date as a result of the 2004 MOU and defines the objectives of the Action Plan, including the specific roles and responsibilities of each Participant.
Government of the State of Jalisco
Signed: March 9, 2022
Term: 21 Months
This Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the State of Jalisco of the United Mexican States and the California Energy Commission of the State of California builds upon a previous agreement between the two parties, and aims to encourage additional collaboration toward the development of clean energy policies and programs. Primary areas of cooperation include energy efficiency; demand-side management; renewable energy development and grid integration; integrated resource planning; microgrid design, operation, and management; low and zero-emission vehicles; clean energy technology; and energy storage. In accordance with this MOU, the participants may choose to meet annually and develop annual work plans focused on the areas of cooperation.
Signed: January 30, 2017
Term: 2 years
The objective of this MOU between the State of Aguascalientes and the California Energy Commission is to encourage collaboration on clean energy policies and programs on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The areas of cooperation include the promotion of energy efficiency; demand-side management; renewable energy development and grid integration; integrated resource planning; grid operation and management; low and zero-emission vehicles; and clean energy technology.
Province of Noord-Holland - PDF
Signed: March 11, 2015
Term: No Expiration
In 2014, Commissioner Scott, of the California Energy Commission, and Vice-Governor Post, of the Province of Noord-Holland, expressed mutual interest to develop a working agreement on sustainable transportation and energy innovation in order to help meet 2050 greenhouse gas and energy goals.
This working agreement outlines areas of focus for information exchange and potential joint projects.
In this Working Agreement, the Coast to Coast e-Mobility Program will serve as the Liaison between the California Energy Commission and the Province of Noord-Holland on the developments of the working agreement, and is required to report annually on the progress of the agreement/developments.
Ministry of Climate and Environment Norway
Signed: August 25, 2021
Term: Two Years
This Declaration of Intent (DOI), signed between the Ministry of Climate and Environment Norway and the California Environmental Protection Agency, serves to formalize partnership by pledging to strive toward measurable and complementary outcomes of climate action. Common objectives listed within this DOI include, but are not limited to, the following: limiting the increase in global warming to well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels; undertaking ambitious emission reductions and building climate resilience; supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, as defined in the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with special focus on Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action); and fostering economic development, job creation, and a just transition while striving toward a zero-carbon economy. This Declaration of Intent builds upon a prior declaration of intent that was in effect from August 2, 2017 to August 2, 2019.
Signed: January 15, 2018
Term: 5 years
This letter of Cooperation builds on the previous letter signed on April 3, 2017, which focused on taking Ambitious Action on Climate Change and the development of a Low-Carbon Economy. This new letter states the intent to continue support for these actions as well as to increase efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, expand renewable energy development, and advance decarbonization efforts. Additionally, this Letter of Cooperation commits the Governments of California and Scotland to share knowledge, experiences, data, and best practices relevant to the development of offshore wind energy.