Updated April 6, 2021.

Graph of Foreign Sources of Marnine Crude Oil Imports to California 2020, Values are shown in table below.
Country Thousands of Barrels Percentage of Total Forgein Imports
Ecuador 55,219 24.13%
Saudi Arabia 52,287 22.85%
Iraq 46,715 20.41%
Colombia 18,210 7.96%
Mexico 10,468 4.57%
Brazil 9,621 4.20%
Brunei 5,429 2.37%
Nigeria 4,549 1.99%
Angola 4,132 1.81%
Other 22,220 9.71%
Total 228,850 100.00%

Historical Years of...

Years not available in the green box above may be available upon request.

Media and Public Communications Office