This is a beta version of a medium- and heavy-duty (MDHD) zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) station dashboard. The CEC is seeking input, particularly from station developers and operators, other public agencies, and interested parties. Feedback can be emailed to: This is an interactive dashboard that allows the user to zoom in to see where MDHD ZEV projects are being developed in California, with data fields including the address of public stations and port and/or nozzle counts.

Publicly accessible MDHD ZEV station data was obtained from the CEC, other state agencies that fund infrastructure, air quality management districts, CALSTART, Inc., and through CEC staff research. Most of the aggregated private depot charger and nozzle data was provided by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). For confidentiality purposes, only counties that met the threshold number of private depots have been broken out separately as indicated on the bar chart. Zero-emission bus infrastructure data, which is included in the private aggregated data, was obtained by survey of transit agencies, CEC staff research, and assumptions when infrastructure data was unavailable.

Other Dashboards in this Collection:
New ZEV Sales | Light-Duty Vehicle Population | Medium- & Heavy-Duty Vehicle Population | EV Chargers | Hydrogen Stations | School Buses | School Bus Chargers | MDHD ZEV Station Development in California - Beta Version

Viewers can click on individual layers within the map layers menu to the left of the map to turn layers on and off. The legend to the left of the map shows layers that have been turned on. There is a search tool to the right of the map that enables viewers to type in an address and locate the address on the map. A basemap selector allows viewers to view road detail. Additional information on the map can be found under the information icon. Viewers can download the map files by clicking on the Data and Supplemental Links icon.

CA Air Resources Board - California Climate Investments Priority Populations 2023

ArcGIS Online for CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)

Data last updated: February 23, 2024 

Data collection information
Data is collected from other government agencies, through surveys, and research. The data will be updated every 2-3 months.

Please cite use of these data and images.

California Energy Commission 2024. California Energy Commission MDHD ZEV Station Development in California - Beta Version. Data Last Updated [insert date last updated]. Retrieved [insert date retrieved] from [Map URL].


Kristi Villareal, Air Pollution Specialist
Fuels & Transportation Division