Event Date

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Location Name

Remote Access Only

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CEC staff will hold multiple Pre-Application Workshops. Workshops will be (1) in Sacramento County (2) Imperial County, (3) Lake County, and (4) a workshop limited to California Native American tribes. CEC staff will discuss the solicitation at each workshop and will answer questions about the solicitation. Participation is optional but encouraged. The first Pre-Application Workshop will be held in Sacramento with the option to attend in-person or remotely via the internet (Zoom, see instructions below), or via conference call on the date and at the time and location listed below. The Imperial County and Lake County workshops are open to all potential applicants. The California Native American tribes pre-application workshop is limited to California Native American tribes. Invitations will be sent out electronically for this workshop. If your tribe does not receive an invitation, please call (916)-839-0386 or email at Sierra.Graves@Energy.ca.gov. Please call (916) 654-4381 or refer to the CEC Solicitation website at https://www.energy.ca.gov/funding-opportunities/solicitations to confirm the dates, and times for all workshops.


If you expect to attend a workshop, you are encouraged to RSVP at https://forms.office.com/g/mi4QM99h5y. RSVP is not required to attend a workshop.


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