This proceeding will determine if the California Energy Commission (CEC) requires that only certified acceptance test technicians perform acceptance testing of mechanical systems in non-residential buildings required by the Building Energy Efficiency Standards and consider approval of staff’s implementation plan for mandate enforcement. 

The 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Energy Standards) first required acceptance testing for mechanical systems in nonresidential buildings. These tests typically are performed by the installing technician. The 2013 Energy Standards specify that the CEC may require that these tests be done only by acceptance test technicians (ATT) that are certified by approved Acceptance Test Technician Certification Providers (ATTCP) to perform the required acceptance tests if certain threshold requirements are met [Title 24, Part 1, Section 10-103.2(b)].

Staff has determined that these threshold requirements may have been met, which is why the CEC is initiating this process to implement the requirement. If approved by the full commission, all technicians performing acceptance tests on nonresidential building projects must be trained and certified ATTs who will be held to quality assurance standards, with penalties for non-conformance.

The CEC encourages public participation in its proceedings. To participate in the proceeding, please attend the workshop(s) and provide verbal comments to the record. Written comments should be submitted to the proceeding docket.

The Public Advisor's Office can help anyone with questions about the proceedings.

Please also sign up for the Title 24 Enforcement list serve to keep up to date about ongoing activities (available on the right-hand side of this page).

The California Energy Commission issued its decision on April 14, 2021. The Docket for this proceeding is now closed (Docket 20-ATTCP-01).



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Title 24 Enforcement


Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician Certification Requirement Proceeding