The 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 (SB 100, De León, Chapter 312, Statutes of 2018) establishes a target for renewable and zero-carbon resources to supply 100 percent of retail sales and electricity procured to serve all state agencies by 2045.
The SB100 report recommends updates of land use information to reflect the increased resource requirements of SB 100 to understand the environmental and land use implications of developing renewable energy resources required to achieve the goals of Senate Bill 100. Statewide planning will ensure that California has a safe and reliable electricity system as new renewable and zero-carbon resource and transmission infrastructure is developed, consistent with the state’s clean energy and environmental priorities and goals.
- Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative 2.0 Plenary Report - PDF
- Environmental and Land-Use Information to Support the Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative - PDF
- RETI 2.0 Western States Outreach Project Report - PDF
- Transmission Capability and Requirements Report - PDF
- This link is to a map that includes Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan Boundary and Preferred Development Focus Areas - PDF
The links below are to maps that depicts the approximate locations of renewable generation projects 1 megawatt and larger throughout California under permitting review or in some stage of construction. The map also includes existing and approved transmission lines greater than 110 kilovolts.
The California Independent System Operator, the Imperial Irrigation District, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power identified the approved transmission projects to provide sufficient capacity to interconnect renewable generation.
- Renewable Energy Projects in Development - PDF
- KMZ File for use with Google Earth
- GIS shape files (zipped file)
Related Information

California Independent System Operator Transmission Plan