Funding Type
Block Grant (Incentive Project, Rebates)
Project Status
Release Date
Submission Deadline
Important: This block grant project is being implemented by an outside entity for the Energy Commission. Please use the link below to submit an application.


EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles (Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles) is the nation’s first commercial vehicle fleet infrastructure incentive project. Funded by the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program and implemented by CALSTART, EnergIIZE provides incentives for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure equipment for medium- and heavy-duty (MD/HD) battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles operated and domiciled in California.

The EV Jump Start funding lane is one of four funding lanes under EnergIIZE. EV Jump Start is intended for applicants/fleet users who meet certain equity eligibility criteria such as project location in a disadvantaged or low-income community. The application process is competitive and applications are scored on criteria demonstrating cost effectiveness and community benefit.

Additional Information

Incentive Amount Available: At least $25 million

Visit EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles for project guidelines and eligibility.
Submit Application via the EnergIIZE Incentive Processing Center.

Project Implementer:

CALSTART – EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles


EnergIIZE Funding Lanes

EV Fast Track Funding Lane (First-Come, First-Served): EV commercial fleet users that have a vehicle purchase order and/or own MD/HD battery-electric vehicles may be eligible under this lane.

EV Jump Start Funding Lane (Competitive): EV fleet users that are located in a disadvantaged or low-income community, and meet other equity criteria may be eligible under this lane.

EV Public Charging Funding Lane (Competitive): Applicants interested in deploying publicly accessible charging infrastructure for electric commercial MD/ HD vehicles may be eligible under this lane.

Hydrogen Refueling Funding Lane (Competitive): Commercial fleet users or station owners seeking to deploy hydrogen refueling infrastructure for MD/HD vehicles may be eligible under this lane.

Solicitation Contact

Refer to project implementer's external website