Gasoline is the most used transportation fuel in California, with ninety seven percent of all gasoline being consumed by light-duty cars, pickup trucks, and sport utility vehicles. In 2022, 13.6 billion gallons of gasoline were sold, according to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Gasoline sold in California at retail is made up of 90 percent petroleum based gasoline (as specified by the California Air Resources Board) and 10 percent ethanol. Ethanol became the primary blending oxygenate in gasoline in 2003, as Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) was fully phased out of by that year.
- California Weekly Gasoline Margins (Gasoline costs breakdown)
- Weekly Fuels Watch (Summary of Fuel Production and Supply)
- Weekly Gasoline Prices (U.S. DOE EIA)
- October 2019 Response to the Governor on Gasoline Prices
- California Motor Fuel Excise Tax Rates (Board of Equalization)
- Taxable Gasoline Sales in California, PDF file (California Department of Tax and Fee Administration)
- Retail Fuel Outlet Survey Results
- How Oil & Gasoline Gets From the Well to Your Car
- Dates for Summertime Gasoline Formulation Switch-over in California - PDF
- Summary of California Vehicle and Highway Data
Consumer Information
- AAA Gas Prices
- Complaints About Service Stations
Complaints about gallon size, water/air availability, call: 1-800-356-7057 or visit above website link. - Caltrans Ride Share: 1-800-COMMUTE (1-800-266-6883) - Statewide ride share information from Caltrans.
- Fuel Me Up
- Gas Buddy.Com