Event Date

Thursday, August 29, 2019
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM

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The California Energy Commission (CEC) is adding new equipment lists for Battery and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) to its solar equipment lists. To support this expansion, a new web page specific to Battery and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) has been added on the Solar Equipment List.


Similar to other equipment pages, the Battery and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) web page provides general information, listing request forms, and instructions. Beginning August 21, 2019, manufacturers can submit Battery and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) listing requests by accessing forms and instructions available on the new Battery and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) web page.


A training webinar on the new forms and instructions will be held August 29, 2019, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (PDT).


You may participate in this meeting through WebEx. Presentations will appear on your computer screen and you may listen to audio via your computer or telephone. This training will be recorded. 


Reasonable Accommodation: Please direct requests to Yolanda Rushin at yolanda.rushin@energy.ca.govor (916) 654-4310 at least five days in advance.


If you have questions about the solar equipment lists, please contact the CEC’s Solar Equipment Hotline at 1-916-654-4120, or solarequipment@energy.ca.gov.