Announcement 7/24/2024:

The Solar Equipment Lists program is now accepting test reports done in accordance with the UL 3141 standard to reflect PCS functionality on the Power Control Systems Supplemental List.

Please note that if the tests are done in accordance with the UL 3141 standard, then the NRTL-issued test report summary document must indicate both UL 3141 and UL 1741 PCS CRD references in the applicable standard(s) section of the test report document.

The listing request forms and instructions have been updated to include this testing protocol and are accessible from the Grid Support Inverters and Energy Storage Systems sections below.

The Energy Commission's Solar Equipment Lists include PV modules, inverters (including smart inverters), meters, battery and energy storage systems, and related equipment. The Solar Equipment Lists are updated three times a month, typically on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of the month, or the first business day thereafter.

To view listed equipment or download a copy of the active PV Module, Inverter, Energy Storage System (ESS), Battery, Meter, or Power Control System (PCS) lists please visit the Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment Lists application.

Forms and instructions on how to be listed can be found in the appropriate section below for each technology type (PV Modules, Grid Support Inverters, Batteries, Energy Storage Systems, Other Solar Generating Technologies, and Performance Monitoring Reporting Service Providers).

Submitted information is reviewed by the California Energy Commission prior to equipment being added to the Energy Commission's Solar Equipment Lists, manufacturers’ self-reported information is not confirmed. Please note that equipment on the Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment Lists has reportedly undergone tests to achieve minimal safety and performance standards. The California Energy Commission makes no claim or warranty on the equipment and its safety, performance, or durability.

The CEC developed the Solar Equipment Lists under Senate Bill 1 (Murray, Chapter 132, Statutes of 2006), establishing criteria and standards for solar incentive programs under the California Solar Initiative, such as the New Solar Home Partnership Program (NSHP). The lists helped ensure the solar equipment met minimum safety and performance standards.

The purpose and use of the Solar Equipment Lists have expanded over time from initially supporting solar incentive programs. Information and data on these lists are used for purposes including researching, modeling, validating interconnection requirements by utilities, integrating smart inverters, and supporting other incentive programs.

The CEC supports the interconnection portion of Rule 21 by maintaining the Solar Equipment Lists and participating in Rule 21 working groups. Rule 21 is an electric tariff that describes the interconnection, operating and metering requirements for generation facilities to be connected to a utility’s distribution system.

The SB 1 guidelines established eligibility criteria, conditions for incentives, and rating standards for California solar energy system incentive programs overseen by the CEC, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and local publicly owned electric utilities (POUs).

Resolution Regarding Revisions to the Guidelines for California’s Solar Electric Incentive Programs (Senate Bill 1), 7th Edition. Resolution No. 21-1208-1a. The Resolution adopted December 8, 2021, at the CEC Business Meeting is effective immediately, and will subsequently be incorporated into the next revision of the SB 1 Guidelines.

Resolution Regarding Revisions to the Guidelines for California’s Solar Electric Incentive Programs (Senate Bill 1), 7th Edition. Resolution No. 19-0715-1b. The Resolution adopted July 15, 2019, at the CEC Business Meeting is effective immediately, and will subsequently be incorporated into the next revision of the SB 1 Guidelines.

Guidelines for California’s Solar Electric Incentive Programs (Senate Bill 1), 7th Edition - PDF 
These guidelines are an available resource for learning about the requirements for the solar equipment lists.

The sections identified below by equipment type provide access to the current lists of equipment as well as request forms for new listing requests and instructions for submitting requests for equipment additions and revisions. 

As described in Guidelines for California’s Solar Electric Incentive Programs (Senate Bill 1) Seventh Edition, California Energy Commission (CEC) staff reserve the right to remove equipment from the eligible equipment lists as needed to ensure the successful implementation of the Solar Equipment List program. This includes the removal of equipment staff has identified as having an invalid or expired safety certification. Notice of all equipment identified for removal will be provided on the CEC Solar Equipment List webpage in advance of removal, to allow each manufacturer an opportunity to provide updated information to support maintaining the listing. Instructions on the process to provide additional information will also be posted on the webpage. In addition, CEC will issue an email notice of the pending removal to those manufacturers for which CEC staff have current and active email contact information.

Equipment that is removed from the active equipment lists will be added to the Archived Equipment section of this webpage.

Equipment Noticed for Removal

List of PV Modules

The PV Module List contains information such as PTC value, reported nameplate ratings, and temperature coefficients.

Click on the link below to navigate to the Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment Lists

Request Forms


Grid support inverters are inverters that include advanced functionality and communication abilities and are commonly known as “smart inverters”. The Grid Support Inverter List includes information for solar and battery inverters.

Different definitions of “smart inverter” exist depending on the utility, authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), or other responsible entity. The particular functionality required may also differ depending on the application. For example, CPUC Electric Rule 21 includes specific required functionality for smart inverters interconnected within investor-owned utilities (IOUs) service territory.

Note that inverters on the Grid Support Inverter List are capable of different levels of advanced functionality. It is important that you verify with the applicable utility, AHJ, or responsible entity whether a specific inverter contains the level of functionality required by their “smart inverter” definition.

List of Grid Support Inverters

Click on the link below to navigate to the Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment Lists

Request Forms


Inverter Manufacturer Attestation Form

To reflect the advanced inverter functions of Monitoring Data and Scheduling on the Solar Equipment Lists the manufacturer must provide a completed attestation. A copy of the attestation form can be found on the IOUs websites. All forms are identical.

Inverter Test Protocol

Archived Equipment

The following equipment does not meet current program requirements and has been archived by the CEC. It is important to verify equipment with the applicable utility, Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), or responsible entity to ensure equipment meets interconnection requirements.



PV Module

The Battery List only includes electrochemical batteries. The Battery List available for download provides basic information about batteries such as manufacturer, model number, and description.

List of Batteries

Click on the link below to navigate to the Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment Lists

Request Forms


JA12 Information

The Energy Storage System List only includes battery energy storage systems. Some energy storage systems on the Energy Storage System List may include an inverter that is capable of advanced functionality, also known as a “smart inverter”.

Different definitions of “smart inverter” exist depending on the utility, authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), or other responsible entity. The particular functionality required may also differ depending on the application. For example, CPUC Electric Rule 21 includes specific required functionality for smart inverters interconnected within investor-owned utilities (IOUs) service territory.

Note that energy storage systems on the Energy Storage System List are capable of different levels of advanced functionality. It is important that you verify with the applicable utility, AHJ, or responsible entity whether a specific inverter contains the level of functionality required by their “smart inverter” definition.

List of Energy Storage Systems (ESS)

Click on the link below to navigate to the Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment Lists

Request Forms


JA12 Information

Inverter Manufacturer Attestation Form

To reflect the advanced inverter functions of Monitoring Data and Scheduling on the Solar Equipment Lists the manufacturer must provide a completed attestation. A copy of the attestation form can be found on the IOUs websites. All forms are identical.

A performance meter is a device used to measure net generated energy output. The meter list is only updated when new or revised information is received. The date of the last revision is indicated.

List of Meters

Click on the link below to navigate to the Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment Lists

Request Forms


Other solar electric generating technologies refers to all solar electric generating technologies except flat-plate, non-concentrating photovoltaic modules. CEC updates this list infrequently, and only when a new or revised request for listing is submitted.

List of OSEGT

Click on the link below to download the current list of OSEGT:

Request Forms


The companies listed below offer an approved Performance Monitoring and Reporting Service (PMRS). Please contact each service provider directly for additional details on their PMRS offerings including specifics on supported equipment. Not all PMRS providers support all CSI-approved inverters or ±2 percent meters.

List of PMRS

Click on the link below to download the current List of PMRS:

  • PMRS List (Non-Utility Providers) (Excel file, Updated February 6, 2024)

Request Forms

March 30, 2022
Zoom training on changes to the Inverter and Energy Storage System Lists: Addition of UL 1741 3rd Edition, inclusive of Supplement SB.

Training includes an overview of the changes to the lists and requirements to reflect UL 1741 3rd Edition, inclusive of Supplement SB, certification.

August 29, 2019
Webinar Training on forms and instructions specific to NEW webpage - Battery and Energy Storage Systems (ESS)

Training Webinar scheduled for Thursday, August 29, 2019, at 4:00 PM (Pacific Time).

June 14, 2019
The First Annual Renewable Energy Technologies-Energy Storage Symposium

The California Energy Commission’s Renewable Energy Division hosted the First Annual Renewable Energy Technologies - Energy Storage Symposium. Subject matter experts from Sandia National Laboratories and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory shared their research, knowledge, and experience on energy storage topics. For the agenda and presentations, please email us at


No events are available at this time.

Past Events

1 - 1 of 1 events


For any questions regarding the equipment lists, please contact the Solar Equipment Contact Center

Solar Equipment


Solar Equipment