Event Date
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
10:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
Add to CalendarBuilding Initiative for Low-Emissions Development (BUILD) Program Webinar
How to Maximize Your BUILD Incentives With Technology Kickers
November 8, 2022
10-11 AM PST
Calling all low-income housing property owners, developers and interested parties!
The California Energy Commission invites you to attend an upcoming webinar to learn about the BUILD Program and ways that technology kicker incentives can maximize the total incentives for participants in the program. The BUILD Program offers technical assistance and incentives to building owners and developers to encourage the construction and major retrofit of low-income, all-electric housing. Robust and customizable incentives up to $2 million per applicant are available plus up to 300 hours of no-cost technical assistance for all-electric building design, understanding near-zero-emissions building technologies, and BUILD incentive calculations.
Join the BUILD team November 8 to find out how technology kicker incentives kickers can increase your BUILD Program incentives plus how to apply for the BUILD Program.
Are you building your first affordable all-electric building?
Earn up to an additional $100,000 through the New Adopter Design Award!
Contact the CEC BUILD team via email with questions at BUILD@energy.ca.gov or the BUILD Technical Assistance provider at BUILD@trccompanies.com.
More information: Building Initiative for Low-Emissions Development Program