Event Date
Monday, December 6, 2021
01:30 PM
- 03:30 PM
Location Name
Remote Access Only
Add to CalendarThe California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a staff workshop to discuss and solicit public comments on the Building Initiative for Low-Emissions Development (BUILD) Program’s Draft Guidelines (Draft Guidelines). The BUILD Program is authorized by Senate Bill (SB) 1477 (Stern, Chapter 378, Statutes of 2018) and overseen by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The Draft Guidelines will be available on the BUILD website and the BUILD Program Docket prior to the workshop at the links below. The Draft Guidelines will establish the rules for the program including eligible applicants and projects, technical assistance, incentive structure, program participation, required project documentation, and the distribution and payment process.
The recently adopted Assembly Bill (AB) 137 and Public Resources Code section 25403.2, which authorized funding for a market-rate residential building program, will not be discussed at this workshop.
The workshop will be held remotely, consistent with AB 361 (Rivas, Chapter 165, Statutes of 2021) to improve and enhance public access to state agency meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic by allowing broader access through teleconferencing options. The public can participate in the workshop consistent with the direction below. The CEC aims to begin promptly at the start time, and the end time is an estimate.
Notice and Agenda