Through annual investments of up to $100 million, the Clean Transportation Program, formerly known as the Alternative and Renewable Fuels and Vehicle Technology Program, promotes accelerated development and deployment of zero-emission vehicles and related infrastructure. The program was established by Assembly Bill 118 (Núñez, 2007), which took effect January 1, 2008, and was most recently extended through July 1, 2035 by Assembly Bill 126 (Reyes, 2023).
The Clean Transportation Program plays an important role in achieving California’s ambitious goals on climate change, air quality, petroleum reduction, and adoption of zero-emission vehicles. The program also supports the state’s sustainable, long-term economic development.
Administered by the Energy Commission’s Fuels and Transportation Division, the Clean Transportation Program invests in a broad portfolio of transportation and fuel transportation projects throughout the state, leveraging public and private investments.
The Energy Commission is committed to providing opportunities to participate in and benefit from clean transportation projects for diverse, underrepresented, underserved, and disadvantaged communities throughout the state.
Using funds collected from vehicle and vessel registration, vehicle identification plates, and smog abatement fees, the program:
- Expedites development of conveniently-located fueling and charging infrastructure for zero-emission vehicle;
- Accelerates advancement and adoption of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles, including low-and zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles;
- Expands in-state production of alternative, low-carbon renewable fuel from low-carbon pathways;
- Supports manufacturing and workforce training to translate clean technology investments into sustained employment opportunities.