500-17-004 | Geothermal Well Plugging and Abandonment Tech Support | |
GEO-16-006 | Well To Wheels Lithium Design | |
GEO-16-005 | Geothermal Resource Confirmation Drilling | |
GEO-16-004 | Demonstration Of a Novel Water-Free Method of Extracting Energy from Hot Dry Rock | |
GEO-16-003 | Application Of Surface Deformation and Induced Seismicity to Geothermal Operation and Exploration | |
GEO-16-002 | Golden Haven Injection Well | |
GEO-16-001 | Modoc Joint Unified School District Geothermal Expansion | |
GEO-14-004 | Expansion of the Groundwater Monitoring Program for the Casa Diablo IV Geothermal Development Project | |
GEO-14-003 | Geothermal Exploration, Economic Feasibility and Market Analysis and Distributed Energy Resource Demonstration | |
GEO-14-002 | Alturas School And Swimming Pool Geothermal Heating Project | |
GEO-14-001 | Surveying And Monitoring of Geothermal Operations Using a Fiber Optic Borehole Seismic Vector Sensor Array | |
GEO-10-003 | Exploration Drilling and Assessment of Wilbur Hot Springs, Colusa County, California | |
GEO-10-001 | Surface Deformation Baseline in Imperial Valley from Satellite Radar Interferometry (InSAR) | |
GEO-07-007 | Project Negatherm For Ground Source Heat Pumps: Improving the Geothermal Borehole Drilling Environment in California | |
GEO-07-006 | Reservoir Confirmation of The Buckeye Power Plant Area, Wildhorse State 36 Confirmation Well, Northwest Geysers, Sonoma Co. | |
GEO-07-001 | Canby Development Project | |
GEO-05-005 | Structuring A Geothermal Heating District for Mammoth Lakes | |
GEO-05-004 | Application Of InSAR to The Monitoring and Mitigation of Surface Substance from Increased Geothermal Development in the Imperial Valley CA. | |
GEO-05-002 | Geothermal Exploration Drilling, Assessment, & Demonstration in Indian Country | |
GEO-04-007 | Drilling And Testing of An Exploratory Well, Truckhaven Geothermal Area, Imperial County, CA | |
GEO-04-006 | Geothermal Training Facility | |
GEO-04-005 | Mercury Filtration Systems Installation | |
GEO-04-003 | Little Geysers Creek Arched Culvert | |
GEO-04-002 | City Of Paso Robles Resource Assessment and Feasible Use Study | |
GEO-02-007 | Mt Survey for Resource Assessment and Environmental Mitigation in The Glass Mountain KGRA | |
GEO-02-006 | Geothermal HVAC Conversion | |
GEO-02-005 | Geothermal Exploration Under the Salton Sea Using Marine Magnetotellurics | |
GEO-02-002 | Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy: A New Inexpensive Method for Geothermal Reservoir Assessment | |
GEO-02-001 | Dual Horizontally Completed Injection Well to Enhance Geothermal Production at The Geysers | |
GEO-00-003 | Integrated High Resolution Microearthquake Analysis and Monitoring for Optimizing Steam Production at The Geysers Geothermal Field, California | |
GEO-00-002 | Drill And Complete Fourmile Hill Exploration Well 88A-28 To Confirm the Existence of a Commercial Geothermal Resource | |
GEO-00-001 | Rhyolite Plateau Geothermal Exploration | |
GEO-99-007 | Support The Southeast Geysers Effluent Pipeline Project for Secondary Wastewater Steamfield Injection (Phase II) | |
GEO-99-006 | Optimization Of Steam Field Management at The Aidlin Geothermal Project, Sonoma County, CA | |
GEO-99-005 | I’SOT District Heating System Using a Geothermal Resource | |
GEO-99-001 | Undertake Mineral Recovery from Geothermal Brines in The Salton Sea | |
GEO-98-001 | Santa Rosa Geysers Recharge Project | |
500-97-034 | Development Of an Extended Logging Tool for Geothermal Exploration and Field Development (Funded by Pier-Electric Research) | |
GEO-97-001 | Deepen The Long Valley Magma Exploration Well From 7,500 Feet to A Total Depth Of 12,000 Feet - Phase III | |
GEO-96-002 | Plug And Abandon Wells in The Geysers Unit 15 Steamfield | |
GEO-96-001 | Conduct Geothermal Reservoir Exploration by Fault Zone Guided Wave and Shear Wave Splitting Tomography (County of Mono) | |
GEO-95-002 | Conduct Geothermal Heat Pump Training (Truckee-Donner PUD) | |
912-93-003 | Monitor And Analyze Geothermal Heat Pump Installations (SMUD And Truckee-Donner PUD) | |
912-93-002 | Develop And Implement a Plan to Evaluate the Geothermal Resources Used for District Heating System (San Bernardino Municipal Water Department) | |
912-93-001 | Operation And Performance of a Biphase Turbine Power Plant at The Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field | |
912-91-002 | Complete Geothermal Resource Assessment - Phase II Including Feasibility Study and Drilling (City of Twentynine Palms) | |
912-91-001 | Continue District Heating System by Drilling an Injection Well for Fluid Disposal and Extend Pipeline (Town of Mammoth Lakes) | |
912-90-004 | Purchase Fire Truck and Train for Hazardous Material Emergencies | |
912-90-001 | Complete Geysers Water Assessment and Research Program | |
912-89-006 | Complete Resource Exploration for Bridgeport Geothermal District Heating System (Mono County Energy Management Department) | |
912-89-005 | Secure Property to Continue Operation of Existing Air Monitoring Station as A Permanent Facility (No. Sonoma County APCD) | |
912-89-002 | Expand Geothermal Agricultural Industrial Center (Phase II) For Production and Irrigation Systems (County of Lake) | |
912-89-001 | Conduct Geothermal Resource Assessment and Exploratory Drilling Program (City of Colton) | |
912-88-009 | Conduct Resource Exploration; Complete Feasibility/Market Analyses for Direct-Use Heating System; Drill and Test a Well (Town of Mammoth Lakes) | |
912-88-008 | Expand District Heating System into Two Areas of High User Demand and Retrofit Five Or More Facilities (City of Susanville) | |
912-88-007 | Design And Install a System to Monitor and Evaluate Geothermal Space and Hot Water Systems at Surprise Valley Hospital | |
912-88-006 | Improve A 1-1/4 Mile Section of The Healdsburg- Geysers Road Necessitated by Geothermal Development | |
912-88-005 | Develop Monitoring Network to Establish Baseline Data for The Hydrologic System in The Long Valley Caldera | |
912-88-002 | Monitor Pieta Creek Basin and Streams Monitoring to Establish Baseline Data to Assess Effects of Geothermal Development | |
912-88-001 | Install Modification to The Geothermal Space and Water Heating Project (Indian Valley Hospital District) | |
912-87-008 | Conduct Resource Assessment and Temperature-Gradient Drilling in Kern River Valley | |
912-87-007 | Operational Management of Air Resources (OMAR) | |
912-87-006 Final Report | Conduct Resource Assessment and Prepare Feasibility Study for District Heating System (City of Loma Linda) | |
912-87-006 Administrative Report | Conduct Resource Assessment and Prepare Feasibility Study for District Heating System (City of Loma Linda) | |
912-87-005 | Conduct Lower Sonoma Valley Geothermal Resource Assessment | |
912-87-004 Final Report | Geothermal Heating System Retrofit Modoc Joint Unified School District Alturas, California | |
912-87-004 Administrative Report | Geothermal Heating System Retrofit Modoc Joint Unified School District Alturas, California | |
912-87-003 | Cumulative Geothermal Noise Study | |
912-87-002 | Conduct A Resources Assessment at White Sulfur Springs | |
912-87-001 | Geysers-Calistoga KGRA Fish Populations and Element Loads: Final Administrative Report | |
912-86-019 | Geothermal Project Monitoring/Evaluation: Indian Springs School, Big Bend, CA and Surprise Valley Schools, Cedarville, CA | |
912-86-017 | Water Use in The Geysers: Assessing Future Needs: Administrative Report | |
912-86-016 | Complete Geothermal Resource Assessment Project and Create District Heating System Management Position | |
912-86-015 | Complete Geothermal System Expansion to City Shop; Add BTU Meters and A Test Bench (City of Susanville) | |
912-86-012 | Design/Install Geothermal Heating System in The County Jail and Sheriff's Building (County of San Bernardino) | |
912-86-011 | Long Valley and Coso KGRA Baseline Data and Permanent Monitoring Network | |
912-86-010 | Serpentine Seedmix Project: Final Administrative Report | |
912-86-009 | Butts Canyon Groundwater Monitoring Program | |
912-86-007 | Undertake Calistoga Geothermal Development Program (Phase 1) | |
912-86-006 | Complete Geothermal Resource Assessment of Long Valley Area | |
912-86-005 | Complete Geothermal Resource Assessment for The City of Twentynine Palms Originally Awarded to County of San Bernardino | |
912-86-004 | Complete Assessment of Geothermal Resources Beneath City of Alturas | |
912-86-003 | Napa County Fire Department | |
912-86-002 | Undertake Monitoring; Confirm Permit Compliance; And Acquire a Vehicle | |
912-86-001 | Kelsey Creek Air Monitoring: Final Report | |
912-85-023 | Complete Analysis of Elements and Parasites of Selected Geysers Wildlife | |
912-85-020 | Complete Geothermal Resource and Transmission Element (County of Lake) | |
912-85-018 | Establish A Geothermal Data Bank (City of Susanville) | |
912-85-015 | Complete Geothermal Resource Assessment to Support a Direct-Use Program (City of Clearlake) | |
912-85-014 | Continue Office of Energy Management to Coordinate Geothermal Development (County of Mono) | |
912-85-013 | Complete Modifications to The Hospital Geothermal Heating Project (Indian Valley Hospital District) | |
912-85-009 | Complete A Healdsburg-Geyser Road Sediment Control Project | |
912-85-008 | Transportation Of Geothermal School Children | |
912-85-007 | Drill Production and Injection Wells for Commercial Park Project (County of Sierra) | |
912-85-006 | Design And Install Geothermal Heating Systems in Cedarville Hospital and Clinic | |
912-85-005 | Prepare Water and Sewer Engineering Plans for Heber's KGRA | |
912-85-004 | Design And Install a Geothermal Heating Project at Greenville Schools | |
912-85-003 | Prepare Micrometeorological Air Dispersion Assessment Methodology (Lake County APCD) | |
912-85-002 | Purchase A Microprocessor-Based Controller for Geothermal Particulate Sampling | |
912-84-109 | Continue San Bernardino Geothermal District Demonstration Heating System Retrofit Program | |
912-84-107 | Conduct Middletown Traffic Bypass Study | |
912-84-106 | Implement A Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) Project | |
912-84-104 | Collect Coso KGRA Air Quality Baseline Data and Develop Dispersion Model | |
912-84-100 | Explore For High-Temperature Geothermal Resources (Fort Bidwell Indian Community) | |
912-84-098 | Design And Install Geothermal Space and Pool Heating (California Pines Community Services District) | |
912-84-097 | Continuously Monitor and Sample Geysers Geothermal Steam | |
912-84-095 | Complete Geothermal Resource Assessment for The City of Twentynine Palms Originally Awarded to County of San Bernardino | |
912-84-094 | Complete Geothermal Watershed Assessment and Water Data Compilation for Pieta Creek | |
912-84-092 | Complete Designs and Retrofit County Center (County of San Bernardino) | |
912-84-091 | Complete Designs and Retrofit Central Jail Complex (County of San Bernardino) | |
912-84-090 | Complete Designs and Retrofit Environmental Public Works Agency (County of San Bernardino) | |
912-84-088 | Complete Designs and Retrofit General Services Agency (County of San Bernardino) | |
912-84-087 | Confirm Resources and Retrofit Lake Elsinore Community Center | |
912-84-085 | Complete Geysers Area Land Use Mapping and Data Collection | |
912-84-084 | Purchase School Bus for Increased Enrollment Due to Geysers Geothermal Development | |
912-84-082 | Expand Geothermal Pipeline for City District Heating System (City of Susanville) | |
912-84-081 | Geothermal Data Bank Project | |
912-84-080 | Confirm Sierra Valley Geothermal Resources Including Drilling | |
912-84-079 | Develop The Geothermal Agricultural-Industrial Center (County of Lake) | |
912-84-077 | Continue Paso Robles Resource Testing and Retrofit the City Swimming Pool | |
912-84-076 | Complete Feasibility Studies and Prepare Engineering Drawings for Private Users to Connect to The San Bernardino Demonstration DHS | |
912-84-074 | Geothermal Retrofit-City of San Bernardino Rudy Hernandez Community Center | |
912-84-073 | Complete Geothermal Retrofits of The San Bernardino City Hall and Convention Center | |
912-84-072 | Add Revegetation to Portions of The Healdsburg-Geysers Road | |
912-84-066 | Complete Geothermal Heating System Conversion for The Indian Springs School in Big Bend | |
912-84-065 | Complete Feasibility Study and Market Assessment for A Geothermal District Heating System in Mammoth Lakes | |
912-84-064 | Evaluate And Build Small Scale Electric and District Heating Geothermal Projects (Bridgeport PUD) | |
912-84-063 | Confirm Calipatria Geothermal Resource Assessment Including Drilling | |
912-84-062 | Conduct County-Wide Geothermal Resource Assessment (County of Modoc) | |
912-84-061 | Complete Geothermal Retrofit of Cedarville Schools in Surprise Valley | |
912-84-059 | Design And Install Courthouse/Jail Geothermal Heat Pump System (County of Siskiyou) | |
912-84-058 | Purchase School Bus to Provide Transportation for Children of Workers in The Geysers | |
912-84-057 | Conduct Geothermal Resource Assessment and Exploration City of Hot Desert Springs | |
927-83-041 | Complete Phase II - Geothermal Subsidence Detection Network (Imperial County) | |
927-83-029 | Design And Install Socrates Mine Road Emergency Truck Escape Ramps | |
912-82-055 | Install Air Quality Monitoring Stations to Measure Ambient Air Quality (Imperial County APCD) | |
912-82-053 | Complete Resource Evaluation and Well Drilling for Possible Space and Water Heating Systems for The Greenville High School (Plumas USD) | |
912-82-052 | Compile Existing Geothermal Resource Data and Conduct Preliminary Market Assessment to Determine Potential Uses (City of Clearlake) | |
912-82-051 | Calistoga Geothermal Resource Assessment | |
912-82-044 | Develop A Geothermal Plan, Ordinance and Regulation Revisions | |
912-82-042 | Susanville Geothermal Injection Well No. 1 Sgi-1 Well Completion Report | |
912-82-041 | Geothermal Subsidence Detection Network Monitoring | |
912-82-039 | Compile And Assess Tracer Tests Within the Geysers KGRA Complex Terrain | |
912-82-038 | Complete State-Required Modifications to The Hospital Geothermal Heating System (Indian Valley Hospital District) | |
912-82-037 | Establish City Planner Position to Conduct Resource and Market Assessments (City of Lake Elsinore) | |
912-82-036 | Establish Mono County Office of Energy Management to Coordinate Development | |
912-82-034 (1984) | Drill Temperature Gradient Holes to Identify Geothermal Resources (City of Calipatria) | |
912-82-034 (1985) | Drill Temperature Gradient Holes to Identify Geothermal Resources (City of Calipatria) | |
912-82-033 | Identify Alternative Fluid Disposal Methods | |
912-82-032 | Design And Install Space and Water Heating Systems in City Pool (City of Susanville) | |
912-82-030 | Develop Air Pollution Planning Tools for The Geysers KGRA (Northern Sonoma County APCD) | |
912-82-027 | Complete Analysis of Heavy Metals in Plants and Animals in The Geysers | |
912-82-026 | Conduct Resource Assessment Including Well Drilling at Ft. Bidwell | |
912-82-025 | Add Geothermal Coordinator to Inventory and Market the Direct Use of Lower Temperature Resources (Lake County Planning Department) | |
912-82-022 | Conduct Resource Assessment and Complete Feasibility Study for Geothermal Development in The City Of El Paso De Robles | |
912-82-021 | Conduct Resource Assessment on City-Owned Property in Sierra County | |
912-82-020 | Butts Canyon Road and Restoration | |
912-82-018 | Complete Geothermal Environmental & Resource Assessment of The Northeastern Portion of Kern County Including Planning and Marketing | |
912-82-018 | Complete Geothermal Environmental & Resource Assessment of The Northeastern Portion of Kern County Including Planning and Marketing | |
912-82-018 | Complete Geothermal Environmental & Resource Assessment of The Northeastern Portion of Kern County Including Planning and Marketing | |
912-82-016 | Conduct Resource Assessment Including Production Well Drilling at Indian Springs School for Geothermal Space Heating | |
912-82-013 | Drill Production Well & Retrofit A Portion of Calistoga High School for Geothermal Space Heating | |
912-82-010 | Construct A Water Transmission Pipeline (5000 Feet) As Part of Water Supply Relocation Due to Geothermal Development (Anderson Springs Community Services District) | |
912-82-008 | Complete A Geothermal Resource Market Study to Develop Direct Uses of Geothermal Resources in Sierra Valley | |
912-82-007 | Formulate Policies and Procedures for Geothermal Power Plant Development and Identify Resources and End Users. (County Of Mendocino) | |
912-82-006 Phase I | Study Potential Social, Economical, And Environmental Impacts on The Community of Heber Due to Geothermal Power Plant Development | |
912-82-006 Phase II | Study Potential Social, Economical, And Environmental Impacts on The Community of Heber Due to Geothermal Power Plant Development | |
912-82-003 | Complete Resource Development Planning Studies (County of Siskiyou) | |
912-82-003 | Complete Resource Development Planning Studies (County of Siskiyou) | |
912-82-001 | Design And Construct a Space and Water Heating System for The Hospital in Greenville | |
912-81-032 | Resurvey Imperial Valley Subsidence Monitoring Network to Assess Potential Subsidence Induced by Geothermal Power Plant Development and Operation | |
912-81-025 | Design And Install a Geothermal Space Heating System in The Courthouse Annex to Connect to The City's Geothermal DHS | |
912-81-022 | Drill A Geothermal Production Well for A Water and Space Heating System at The Hospital in Greenville and Resource Assessment | |
912-81-020 | Develop A Water System Master Plan Including Plans and Specifications for Water System Improvements (Anderson Springs Community Services District) | |
912-81-018 | Identify Direct-Use Projects and Prepare Environmental and Mitigation Assessments (Inyo-Mono Association of Governments) | |
912-81-017 | Assess The Market for Low Temperature Geothermal Water Produced as A By-Product of Huntington Beach Oil Field Production | |
500-81-005 | Conduct Geothermal Resource Assessment to Support a District Heating System (San Bernardino City Water Department) | |
912-81-002 | Design And Construct a Geothermal Space Heating System for The Roop's Fort Complex | |
500-80-130 | Geothermal Energy Opportunities for California Commerce Consultant Report Final | |